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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Read Ben Stein

Here's a well-written column by Ben Stein, which includes the following:
"I just love every aspect of this: Israel being condemned by Russia, which just invaded and despoiled its neighbor Georgia just for the heck of it. Israel being condemned by Russia, with a human rights record that would give Genghis Khan pause.
Israel being condemned by the EU, which 66 years ago watched with glee as its Jews were being mass murdered. That is pretty rich.
The really astounding part of this is that in the Bush years, we could expect that the U.S. would veto any resolution condemning or sanctioning Israel. But now, with the avowedly pro-Palestinian president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in office, there is literally no one to stand up for Israel.
And the even more beautiful part of this is that the Jewish vote in the U.S. went for Obama by about 80 percent versus 20 percent for McCain. And McCain was a diehard Israel supporter. So, I just love this. Israel is about to get really badly humiliated in the UN very largely because American Jews elected a pro-Palestinian president when we could have had a pro-Israel president.
This is so painfully cruel I cannot believe it. When are American Jews going to realize that the Republican Party is far better for Israel than the Democrats? Think of Richard Nixon, who saved Israel in the Yom Kippur War even as the hounds of the left -- many of them Jewish -- were tearing his flesh. Think of Nixon, who risked war with Russia to save Israel. And what thanks did he get? A kick in the teeth. Think of the much missed George W. Bush, who stood up for Israel in its wars in Gaza and Lebanon when no one else did. And the Jews of the left hated him.
Well, now we have Barack Obama and Israel is friendless."

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