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Thursday, January 24, 2019

All The Way With LBJ!

Those of us who have savored all four volumes (so far!) of Robert A. Caro's "The Years of Lyndon Johnson" will definitely enjoy reading his recent New Yorker article on his research methods.  I saw the link in the New York Times daily newsletter:

"From NY Times : What we’re reading: These 'recollections toward a memoir,' by the Lyndon B. Johnson biographer Robert Caro in The New Yorker. 'Caro, 83, acknowledges that the melancholy ‘math’ of age may prevent him from realizing his ambition to write a full-fledged memoir,' writes Charlie Savage, a Washington correspondent. 'The mere taste of what that could look like — charming and riveting anecdotes about how he learned several crucial revelations about L.B.J.’s life and hidden methods of acquiring power — gives abundant reason to hope that he manages it.'"

Forget the memoir - just give us volume five!

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