Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

In Case You're Wondering, COVID Still Isn't Over

Are there any people besides me who are still keeping up with the latest COVID news in order to educate ourselves so we can prepare for the future? It feels as if most people simply don't care any more -- to their own peril.

Here's some important news from Israel: Israeli researchers warn of new international COVID wave, driven by Delta comeback; Omicron didn’t wipe out the previous variant, which is super-resilient and could reemerge with a vengeance, according to peer-reviewed study based on cutting-edge sewage monitoring.

And from CNN:  Newer, fitter descendants of Omicron variant begin to drive their own coronavirus waves.There’s no denying the numbers: Even with spotty reporting, Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are rising again in the United States.

"Spotty reporting". At this point, I'd rather trust the researchers in Israel and South African than the CDC with its green map.

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