Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Death-Affirming Baby-Killer Demands You Pay for His "Gender Surgery"

Remember the saying, "the inmates are running the asylum"?  Well, the asylum has become the United States.  How can so many people, including this judge, participate in this sick, mass delusion?

Here's a monster -- a man, NOT the woman he cynically claims he is -- who murdered a helpless baby, who instead of getting the electric chair, he is getting taxpayer-funded "life-saving gender surgery" to prevent "bodily and psychological harm".  Look at his face -- he already has bodily harm. Look at his crime -- he harmed a baby to death!

And you know what will eventually happen -- he will be transferred to a women's prison.

There's absolutely nothing to celebrate here, and anyone who thinks this is some sort of victory needs his head examined.


Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita condemned a federal ruling last week which supported a prisoner’s right to transgender procedures while incarcerated.

"The ruling by federal Judge Richard Young sided with inmate Autumn Cordellionè, who sued in 2023 to reverse a state law denying transgender people certain medical procedures while incarcerated. The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana claimed in a press release at the time that the taxpayer-funded medical services were “necessary and even lifesaving.”

"Judge Young's ruling declared that Cordellionè "requires gender-affirming surgery to prevent a risk of serious bodily and psychological harm." Taking to X, Rokita explained he planned to appeal the ruling as soon as possible.

“Of course, I disagree,” Rokita wrote. “How could you not?? An Indiana inmate convicted of murder wants our taxpayers to fund their gender-altering surgery! Hoosiers do NOT want this.”

“We're still reviewing the court's opinion, but you can undoubtedly expect our office to appeal this decision,” he added.

“Today marks a significant victory for transgender individuals in Indiana’s prisons,” Legal Director Ken Falk said. “Denying evidence-based medical care to incarcerated people simply because they are transgender is unconstitutional. We are pleased that the Court agreed.”

"Cordellionè is currently serving a 55-year sentence at an all-male state prison, Branchville Correctional Facility, for strangling an 11-month-old. In February, the inmate launched a separate lawsuit after a prison chaplain allegedly prohibited her from wearing a hijab outside her bed quarters."

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