500 Days We Must Never Forget
Rabbi Michael Barclay | 8:05 AM on February 17, 2025
"We must never forget.
"Five-hundred days. Exactly 500 days ago, the world saw some of the most evil and heinous crimes ever perpetrated by humanity. Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza. They didn't attack military bases or soldiers. Instead, they demonstrated themselves to be the personification of evil as they consciously attacked civilians -- specifically the weak, old, female, and sick.
"We must never forget.
"Hamas performed acts that are consonant with the acts of demons, and they videotaped their own disgusting actions with the pride of insane beasts. They raped and tortured children and young women. They beheaded civilians and murdered parents in front of their children. Hamas parachuted into a music festival filled with young people dancing and celebrating life, and they delivered death. They killed and tortured, and oh, did they rape. Like rabid animals, they repeatedly raped young women until they were dead and even filmed themselves raping the corpses. And they raped with sadistic glee. In one case, they raped a young woman on the corpse of her dead boyfriend and videotaped it on her phone, followed by filming them shooting and murdering her… and then, in an act of ultimate cruelty, they texted that video to her parents.
"We must never forget.
"On that one day, 500 days ago, Hamas murdered over 1200 innocent civilians, including more than 40 American citizens. They kidnapped another 251 Israelis and took them back to their buildings and tunnels in Gaza to torture these innocents. Kept in darkness, tortured, raped, and killed, these hostages have been kept as leverage to prevent Israel from fully and appropriately retaliating against their evil of October 7. Hamas committed evil on a grand scale that the world has not seen since the very worst of the Nazi regime of World War II.
"We must not forget, and we must not allow the world to forget.
"On October 8, 2023, the world was in shock at this demonstration of pure evil by Hamas. On that day, even the most compassionate human beings on the planet were calling for the absolute destruction of Hamas and Gaza. The outrage was enormous, and pundits and media commentators loudly called for the destruction of Hamas. But by December, most of the world had forgotten the level of evil that had been perpetrated.
"It is psychologically understandable why people would forget their outrage. The human soul is not equipped to be able to integrate the shock that anybody could do what Hamas had done. It is easier for our minds to pretend that it really wasn't that bad than it is for us to deal with the horrors that Hamas committed against mankind. It is simpler for our minds to try to rationalize the demonic behavior of Hamas as being in some way justified than it is to admit that they are the personification of evil in our time. It is easier to make excuses than recognize that pure evil does really exist in our time.
"And they are evil. Hamas is the modern incarnation of Amalek, who attacked the ancient Hebrews 3500 years ago from behind -- killing the civilians, the weak, children, and the old. They are like Amalek, whom the Bible tells us we should not defeat.. but destroy completely. Like Amalek, the crimes against all of humanity by Hamas are so massive that there is no possibility of redemption for them. Like a cancer, they need to be completely annihilated for the organism of humanity to be able to survive.
"We must never forget, and we cannot allow the world to forget.
"For 500 days, Hamas has been waging a brilliant public relations campaign while attacking militarily. They have launched over 19,000 rockets at Israel in these last 500 days. They have convinced much of the world of their propaganda myths. The fallacious myth of an historical Palestine. The propaganda of Hamas taking care of Gazan citizens, when, in fact, Hamas has tortured and killed any Gazans who disagreed with their methods and hate. The despicable behavior of using humans as shields. And yet, they try to portray themselves as victims.
"Hamas has encouraged worldwide riots on the streets and college campuses of Western Civilization, all under the guise that they are victims when, in fact, they are the greatest perpetrators of evil in our generation. They have succeeded in proselytizing their evil as being righteous, and most sadly, all too many people in the West have bought into their lies... for it is easier on our psyches to believe that than it is to confront the reality that, contrary to the idealistic worldview that we all seek, pure evil does in fact exist, and is manifest in Hamas.
"We must never forget, and we cannot allow the world to ever forget the evil of Hamas.
"For 500 days, hostages have been kept in captivity like caged animals. Hamas has perpetrated atrocities in Israel and even upon their own people in Gaza that defy any concept of a human soul. But this is actually not new for Hamas, which, since its creation in 1988, has been committed to death and destruction over life and peace.
"Their very charter commits them to destroying not only Israel but all people who do not believe in the fanatical extremism of Islamic fundamentalism. Since 2005, when Hamas took control of Gaza after Israel voluntarily left the area without any stipulations, Hamas has perpetrated evil. They have launched weapons at Israel and tortured their own citizens—all while their leaders have lived in extreme wealth in countries like Qatar while the people of Gaza have suffered. Hamas has indoctrinated young children into their hate and grown a generation of young people who would rather destroy their own souls through acts like rape and kidnapping. They would rather die than have peace and prosperity.
"On October 7, 2023, Hamas created evil at a level unique in its horror in the 21st century. For 500 days, Hamas has perpetuated that evil worldwide in every moment. They have tortured and killed for 500 days. They have lied, destroyed, and attacked Western Civilization at every opportunity. Hamas has shown the world that evil still exists, and they have challenged all good and righteous people to stand by our ethics and destroy that evil utterly and completely. Like Amalek, it is our obligation to blot their memory out of existence.
"We must remember that in doing so—by not just defeating but destroying Hamas—we are making the world a safer place. As President Trump has said, Gaza could become the Riviera of the Middle East if it were not for Hamas (and their Iranian supporters). Peace and prosperity could fill Gaza, and all of the nations of the Middle East, including Israel, could create a paradise… IF and when Hamas is destroyed.
"Five hundred days and nights of an emotional roller coaster, the likes of which our generation has never experienced. Five hundred days we must remember always. It is for this reason that an assemblage of daily missives that were written during this time has been created, detailing day by day the horrors and triumphs, the pains and prayers. A testament so that we never forget and truly commit ourselves to “Never Again.”
"We must never forget. We can never allow the world to forget. And we must remember at all times the evil that is Hamas and our obligation to destroy that evil. In doing so, may we usher in a time of peace and prosperity between Israel and her neighbors, between people of all faiths, and for the entire world."
Rabbi Michael Barclay is the Spiritual Leader of Temple Ner Simcha (hyperlink to www.NerSimcha.org);
the author of "Writings: Biblical Wisdom to Renew Your Spirit and Heal
a Troubled World"; and the host of the weekly podcast "The Rabbi's
Table: Discussion Not Debate." Follow him on X/Twitter as
Rabbi_Barclay, and he can be reached directly at Rabbi@NerSimcha.org
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