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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ridiculous Politically Correct Appeaser of the Day

How about replacing "Tony Evers" with "Republican Governor" instead?


From Fox News 2-22-25:

"Wisconsin Democratic governor proposes replacing 'mother' with 'inseminated person' in state law".

"Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, is facing backlash for introducing a budget recommendation that changes the word "mother" to "inseminated person," and "paternity" to "parentage" in certain parts of state law.

"The Evers administration's budget recommendation for the 2025-2027 fiscal period advises several other gendered terms be changed, as well. References to "wife" or "husband" are changed to "spouse" in the proposal. In other places, the word "father" is changed to "parent," and "mother" is swapped out for the phrase "parent who gave birth to the child."

"The budget was introduced by the state Senate's Joint Committe on Finance on Tuesday."

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