Speaking of Carnivals, check out Haveil Havalim #219 at DovBear. Haveil Havalim was, as you know by now, founded by Soccer Dad back in 2004.
Jewish conservative commenting on what makes news each day, and on the stories that catch my fancy
"What has inflamed the public imagination isn’t the discovery of a new Mariah Carey or Maria Callas so much as the notion that an ordinary singleton from a run-down industrial village can seize her chance at glory and translate it into fame. For that is what Boyle has done.
Win or lose on Saturday night, she will have a lifelong afterlife on the variety circuit, hired for comedy shows, Christmas pantomimes and nostalgia concerts. She will be a hit with the troops in Afghanistan and with senior citizens in music halls.
Boyle will be pursued by the press, her every unguarded expletive greeted with banner headlines, as if a churchgoing woman whose life has previously trudged drearily by isn’t to be allowed the occasional whooped obscenity at her sudden change of fortune.
As she whoops, so do we. For the change in Susan Boyle is the hope in every human heart that has suffered the loss of a job, a home and a life’s savings this year. If she can do it, the audience prays, so perhaps can we.
Millions from Kenya to Korea will be rooting for Boyle to win on Saturday night, not because they admire her small and very specific talent but because they live in hope that her dream could somehow be theirs. Boyle is the first heroine of the Yes We Can universe."
"It is a measure of Obama's acknowledged impotence that some of those who are now cheeking him are doing so with a degree of sophistication they had not previously exhibited."
"1. Congratulations. Your presidential regime has managed to secure the most supine, slobbering, spineless, unquestioning media coverage since Enver Hoxha's Albania. A report last month by the Center for Media and Public Affairs said Obama has received more coverage than his two predecessors combined. On ABC, CBS and NBC news the majority of evaluations - 58 per cent - have been favourable. (Compare GW Bush - 33 per cent; Bill Clinton 44 per cent - in first 50 days of office). More importantly, you have Pravda. Yes, no less than 73 per cent of all evaluative comments in your chief propaganda organ - aka The New York Times - have been favourable to Obama.
2. Sure your congenitally libtard Mainstream Media were probably biased that way anyway, but you have played your part. Your combative style - which led you to dismiss the entire British print media just now in one glib, sneering phrase - has earned you the nickname 'The Enforcer.' You have a reputation for coming down hard on any media outlet which doesn't follow your approved version of reality."
"If there remained any doubt as to the magical moneymaking properties of humiliating self-exposure, it evaporated Monday night as almost 10 million viewers tuned in to watch the wheels come off the bus of TV's most lovable octo-family, the Gosselins."
"What began as a bizarre abduction report that set off a massive local, state and federal search for a Pennsylvania mom and her daughter turned out to be an elaborate hoax. Bonnie Sweeten, 38, of Bucks County, was taken into custody at the Grand Floridian hotel on the grounds of the Walt Disney World Resort outside Orlando, Florida".
"If personal turmoil makes one 'incredibly qualified to pass judgment on some of the most important cases in our country,' let's put reality-show couple Jon and Kate Gosselin on the bench."
"I know that there will be protests to any of these solutions. Some may say: 'How could you make up reasons to take away a city from a people who have an historic attachment, and give it to people who have no real claim to it?'
Well, let me answer those people like this:
I agree."
"Good news: Responsible credit-card users to “subsidize” deadbeats now....People with good credit will be less likely to make major purchases for fear of the monthly interest and people with bad credit will be more likely to start charging, and then inevitably defaulting. Good work, Congress."
"Roger Clemens didn't say the brightest thing in his latest denial of steroid use. He claimed that heart problems are hereditary in his family, adding that his step-father died of a heart attack. Perhaps his attorney advised him to plead diminished capacity."
"The Treasury Department admitted that a Social Security computer malfunctioned Friday and sent millions of dollars in stimulus checks to dead people. The stimulus checks are a total waste of money. Even a defibrillator won't bring these people back."
"After voting overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, only to see him pursue relentlessly anti-Israel policies, what should American Jews do now?
First, there is one thing we must not do: support the two-state solution. There is a two-state solution already in place: the two states are Israel and Jordan. The original Mandate for Palestine of the League of Nations was divided into an Arab state that is now Jordan, and a Jewish state that is Israel. Therefore no further territorial concessions on Israel’s part are needed or justified. That is the Jewish position. All Jewish groups should hold it."
"Who’s nervous? Not me
I’ve looked like this ever since
They cut up my face"
"President Obama marked National Prayer Day Thursday with a proclamation instead of a White House prayer service. Everyone's different. Bill Clinton came to Jesus, George W. Bush talked to Jesus, and Barack Obama fills in for Jesus on major holidays."
Joy Behar: "I want to know if you want to be water-boarded because Sean Hannity has volunteered to be water-boarded, but don't see him sticking his head under the faucet yet."
Ann Coulter: "...No I don't want to be water-boarded; do you want to be aborted? Because I think you support abortion. In fact, can we abort the terrorists instead of water-boarding them?"
"32% of Democrats blame Jews for Financial Crisis".OK, I confess - it's my fault; I control the banks and the media!
"Free cars for poor fuel road rage. Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work. But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash - allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway. 'It’s mind-boggling. You’ve got people out there saying, ‘I just lost my job. Hey, can I get a free car, too?’ ' said House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading)....The state pays for the car’s insurance, inspection, excise tax, title, registration, repairs and a AAA membership for one year at a total cost of roughly $6,000 per car."
"British airline wipes Israel off the map.
Passengers were shocked to discover that Israel had been wiped off the map by Britain’s BMI airline, which omitted the Jewish state from its digital charts on flights from London to Tel Aviv.
Neither Jerusalem nor Tel Aviv itself, which is Israel’s largest city, were shown on the airline’s in-flight map. However, the orientation of Mecca, Islam’s holiest site, was displayed on screens as well as the northern Israeli city of Haifa, written as 'Khefa' — the city’s Arab name under the British Mandate before the war of independance in 1948.
BMI insisted that the map had not been drawn with an anti-Israel or political agenda in mind — rather the aircraft in question were recently bought from a bankrupt charter company that largely flew to Arab countries."
"The point is that the so-called 'opposition party' has decided to lie down in the face of this human-wave assault on American sensibilities."