D.C.Roe and his Project 2,996 for the inspiration.
42 year old Ed Beyea was part of the quilt of life that made up the World Trade Center on September 11, 2007. He went to work every day, was a great friend and co-worker, and had many people who loved him and cared about him. He worked at Empire Health Care for over 12 years, and Empire paid its own heartfelt tribute in words and pictures here, on pages 1 through 7. Page 1 lists the names of the 11 Empire employees & associates, including Ed and his great friend Abraham Zelmanowitz, who refused to abandon him and who perished with him while waiting for the help they were sure would arrive. The tribute to Ed says,
"Ed Beyea knew that the secret of life is laughter and was always in amazingly good spirits. Quick-witted and quick to laugh, driven and determined, he was an inspiration to his colleagues. He celebrated life every day. His ability to find strength to continue regardless of what obstacles were placed in front of him spoke volumes about his character, and he inspired great loyalty in his friends. An Empire employee for more than twelve years, Ed took pride in his work writing code, developing software, and most recently, working with object modeling."And Abe's tribute says:
"Abe worked with many technical computer systems, including one called 'PC Friend.' The name PC Friend is a perfect description of a project of Abe’s because he was a true friend to everyone and everything. With a warm, fatherly approach, Abe’s colleagues remember him as someone who would always lend a helping hand. Abe was a highly spiritual man who was committed to his faith. During the September 11 attack, Abe stayed with his friend Ed, a wheelchair user, so Ed wouldn’t have to wait alone for rescuers. President George Bush referred to Abe’s actions as one of the truly heroic acts of that fateful day. Abe was a dedicated Empire employee for more than 12 years."Page 2 of the Empire 9-11 In Memoriam section displays a gorgeous quilt made in support of Empire Health Care by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma Government Program Associates. You can clearly see the work and the emotions that went into each square. As can be seen in another testimonial on page 3 of Empire's website,
"Empire also created the Abraham Zelmanowitz-Edward Beyea Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of the friendship between these two men who were victims of the terrorist attacks. The scholarship program is funded through the Empire World Trade Center Disaster Relief Fund and was established for the 16 children who are dependents of the victims, including employees, spouses and consultants who were lost as well as several seriously injured employees immediately hospitalized following the tragedy. On October 12, 2001, Empire held a Remembrance Service in honor of the employees, consultants and spouses of employees who were lost in the attack. The service, held at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Manhattan, was attended by 1,800 Empire employees and families of the victims."As they were generous and helpful in life, they continue to live on in the good they do for others through this fund. Look at the two quilt squares created in memory of Ed and his Empire colleagues. This square includes the following tribute: "I met Ed in high school and he soon became a very close friend. There are so many special memories......cruising in the yellow (VW) bug, tobagganing parties, double dating with the "Limey", writing articles for the school paper, senior skip day, Cherry Lane, riding his motorcycle, and bartending at the Yacht Club. What fun we had!! Ed had a gift for story telling...he kept us laughing with his great sense of humor and his skillful delivery of the punchline. In spite of this, he took his friendships very seriously. He was very sincere in that. Ed taught us that life is to be enjoyed, and to live each moment to the fullest. He exemplified this, both before and after his accident. Ed will always have a place in my heart, and I feel fortunate to have known him. My deepest sympathies to Ed's family and friends. Mary (joyce) bennett (corning, NY). And this square is from Empire Health Care, Albany, in memory of its employees Edward Beyea, Vivian Casalduc, Elvira Granitto, Winston Grant, Ramon Grijalvo, Cynthia Giugliano, Jerome Lohez, Angela Scheinberg, and Abraham Zelmanowitz. These quilt squares were part of The United in Memory 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt™, a tribute to all the victims of September 11, seen in the gallery at the beautiful and important website United in Memory™. Thanks to Kim Monins of United in Memory™ for generously giving me permission to use the photos of Ed's quilt squares.
So here's to the family and the many friends of Ed Beyea, who will never forget him. Here's to the 2,995 other friends, couples, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, children, and grandparents who also make up the 9/11 quilt of life. They're in our hearts forever, and we will remember them, forever.
If you'd like to see my 2006 tribute to Ed, read "Edward F. Beyea: Indomitable Spirit".
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