Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Monday, January 03, 2011


I have never understood the appeal of Oprah Winfrey, never read a book just because she recommended it, and never bought into the cult, so I really enjoyed reading this reader comment: "We are all sick to death of the Save-Your-Own-Life cello-phaned, commercialized, bogus Everyman Culture, blah-blah stuff Oprah Winfrey has been milking for the past decade. We are sick of her self-involvement, her weight, her friends (both low and high), her mishaps with her Vita-Prep blender, her You Can Squeal in My Audience of Brain Dead Women, her Give-Aways, her bogus good cheer (doesn't look so happy when she's sans makeup, hairdos, designer clothes..and chastising her well fed but brow beaten associates..) Enough. Enough Dr. Oz, Susie  WhatsHerName, Dr. Incredibly Stupid. Enough. Enough promotion, monetizing good cheer, good looks, good food, good weight, mediocre prose and poetry. Enough recycled 'stuff..'"

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