The Council has spoken! Here are the latest Watcher's Council winners, The Council winner is Joshuapundit's Chickensh*t, and the non-Council winner is Sultan Knish's The Left's Worst Crime in the Middle East.
The Weasel of the Week is CNN's Carol Costello! (I'm hoping that the weasel of next week is the entire Democratic party.)
Friday, October 31, 2014
This is why the Democrats are portrayed as jackasses! Also, please keep talking about the "war on women", and keep calling Republicans racists who starve children. The more shrill and desperate you sound, the better for us. Let's hope that next Tuesday, the American people will show that they're not as stupid as the Dems think they are.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The REAL Meaning of Chickens**t
You have to see this for yourself: a despicable "cartoon"
showing Netanyahu flying a plane into a tower. To make it even worse,
this cartoon comes not from the Arab press but from Haaretz! The cartoonist's excuse is hard to believe: “It was certainly not my intention to insult or upset anyone. I wasn’t
sufficiently aware of the great sensitivity that 9/11 holds for
Argue Hamilton Quips
Here's another great column by the humorist, including this item: "Renee Zellweger shocked her movie fans by arriving at a fashion show with a completely new face Wednesday. It's not a bad idea nowadays. The good thing about making yourself totally unrecognizable is, if you have any nude selfies that get hacked, no one will know it's you."
(10/29 cartoon by Jerry Holbert, as seen at today.)
Lots 'o Links
Here's the latest news roundups from Betsy's Page, Maggie's Farm, and Larwyn's Linx.
Our manners and culture are falling apart, but I refuse to stop the civilized tradition of shaking hands with people. I never went in for that awful fist-bump greeting, and I'm definitely not going to engage in the grotesque Ebola handshake!
Our manners and culture are falling apart, but I refuse to stop the civilized tradition of shaking hands with people. I never went in for that awful fist-bump greeting, and I'm definitely not going to engage in the grotesque Ebola handshake!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Beneath Contempt
Pamela Geller has a good retort:
"Obama’s 'leading from behind' is the very definition of chickenshit.
Obama’s response and the redline on Syria’s chemical weapons is chickenshit.
Obama’s stand down on Benghazi, leaving our Ambassador and attaches to die, was chickenshit.
Obama not sending in back-up to our soldiers in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama damaging U.S. credibility is chickenshit.
Obama backing Hamas is chickenshit.
Obama condemning Jewish homes in Jerusalem is chickenshit.
Obama into signing a status of forces of agreement Iraq is chickenshit.
Obama claiming the Islamic State is not Islamic is chickenshit.
Obama not protecting the American people and restricting flights from West Africa is chickenshit.
Obama saying the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam in the wake of jihad murders in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama publicly humiliating an ally who won’t submit to the demands of an enemy whose sole mission is to destroy Israel is chicken shit."
Obama’s “leading from behind” is the very definition of chickenshit.
Obama’s response and the redline on Syria’s chemical weapons is chickenshit.
Obama’s stand down on Benghazi, leaving our Ambassador and attaches to die, was chickenshit.
Obama not sending in back-up to our soldiers in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama damaging U.S. credibility is chickenshit.
Obama backing Hamas is chickenshit.
Obama condemning Jewish homes in Jerusalem is chickenshit.
Obama into signing a status of forces of agreement Iraq is chickenshit.
Obama claiming the Islamic State is not Islamic is chickenshit.
Obama not protecting the American people and restricting flights from West Africa is chickenshit.
Obama saying the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam in the wake of jihad murders in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama publicly humiliating an ally who won’t submit to the demands of an enemy whose sole mission is to destroy Israel is chicken shit. - See more at:
Obama’s response and the redline on Syria’s chemical weapons is chickenshit.
Obama’s stand down on Benghazi, leaving our Ambassador and attaches to die, was chickenshit.
Obama not sending in back-up to our soldiers in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama damaging U.S. credibility is chickenshit.
Obama backing Hamas is chickenshit.
Obama condemning Jewish homes in Jerusalem is chickenshit.
Obama into signing a status of forces of agreement Iraq is chickenshit.
Obama claiming the Islamic State is not Islamic is chickenshit.
Obama not protecting the American people and restricting flights from West Africa is chickenshit.
Obama saying the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam in the wake of jihad murders in Benghazi is chickenshit.
Obama publicly humiliating an ally who won’t submit to the demands of an enemy whose sole mission is to destroy Israel is chicken shit. - See more at:
(Attention, American Jews! Be sure to vote for the Democrats on November 4, and see how much they respect you.)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Important Questions from Arutz Sheva
In his op-ed "Don't American Jews Realize They Are All Klinghoffer?", Rabbi Berel Wein writes, "The New York Times, one
of the leaders of the consistently shrill anti-Israel chorus, in its
column regarding the production of this opera interviewed a few Jewish
opera goers who were present at the Klinghoffer opera. These Jews were
naturally not disturbed by the nature or message of the production and
seem to be somewhat bewildered as to what all of the controversy was
about. They unfortunately represent a large section of the American
Jewish community that is completely asleep as its society hurtles
towards the brink of societal weakness, loss of influence, if not even
self extinction. They just don't understand that they are Klinghoffer. And that therefore they are applauding their own eventual demise."
And in the op-ed "What Would Toscanini Do?", which mentions how Toscanini refused to perform for Mussolini or conduct the Italian national anthem while the Met staged an opera about a murder of a helpless man by the PLO, these questions are posed: "What does it mean to portray them and their cause in a romantic and flattering way?
What does it mean that we have allowed the ideas of terrorist groups to permeate our culture at every level and in every way?
Artful propaganda legitimizes terrorists who are already planning to attack civilians. The world’s threshold of resistance is being fatefully lowered, not only by the endless number of just such attacks but by the denial that such attacks exist, or pose a threat."
And in the op-ed "What Would Toscanini Do?", which mentions how Toscanini refused to perform for Mussolini or conduct the Italian national anthem while the Met staged an opera about a murder of a helpless man by the PLO, these questions are posed: "What does it mean to portray them and their cause in a romantic and flattering way?
What does it mean that we have allowed the ideas of terrorist groups to permeate our culture at every level and in every way?
Artful propaganda legitimizes terrorists who are already planning to attack civilians. The world’s threshold of resistance is being fatefully lowered, not only by the endless number of just such attacks but by the denial that such attacks exist, or pose a threat."
Monday, October 27, 2014
What She Meant To Say Was..
When Hillary Clinton told us in 1992 that we were getting two for the price of one, she meant it. And she still means it.
Daniel Greenfield describes the "You Didn't Build That" Party: "At a campaign rally in Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton did her best to prove that she could out-Warren Warren by declaring, 'Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.' If the organizations that actually hire and pay workers don’t create jobs, who does?"
Now she's trying to backtrack, using the famous old trick her husband always employed, the "What he meant to say was..." excuse.
Yes, by all means, don't let anyone tell those of us who successfully and enjoyably worked at corporations and businesses that jobs were actually created there, because we just won't believe you!
Daniel Greenfield describes the "You Didn't Build That" Party: "At a campaign rally in Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton did her best to prove that she could out-Warren Warren by declaring, 'Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.' If the organizations that actually hire and pay workers don’t create jobs, who does?"
Now she's trying to backtrack, using the famous old trick her husband always employed, the "What he meant to say was..." excuse.
Yes, by all means, don't let anyone tell those of us who successfully and enjoyably worked at corporations and businesses that jobs were actually created there, because we just won't believe you!
Trick or Treat
I can't wait till November 5. No more endless attack ads, no more telephone calls -- and hopefully no more Obama Democrats ruining this country!
Cartoon by Gary Varvel.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Bring Back Ellis Island!
I can't stand this. White House Presses States to Reconsider Mandatory Ebola Quarantine Orders. You irresponsible idiots! It's a public health crisis! It should be about protecting American citizens, not about the feelings of those being quarantined.
(I remember the scene in "The Godfather" when Vito Corleone is quarantined as a boy at Ellis Island for 3 months due to smallpox. And now you sue over 21 days with Ebola?)
(I remember the scene in "The Godfather" when Vito Corleone is quarantined as a boy at Ellis Island for 3 months due to smallpox. And now you sue over 21 days with Ebola?)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Enemy of Our Enemy is Our Enemy
Ya’alon launches scathing assault on US policy in the Middle East.
"While apparently trying to be
polite and stressing that he was delivering his critiques 'without
naming anyone,' Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon launched what
amounted to a scathing assessment of Obama
Administration wrongheadedness on the Middle East in an extraordinary
interview at the end of his trip to the United States." Too bad he didn't name names, but we all know who he's talking about, and unless they resign or are impeached, we're in for two more long years of destruction in the Middle East by Obama and Kerry.
Charge Them With Treason
Here's common sense from Mark Steyn regarding Muslim terrorists: "I'm tired of being told that we have to change to accommodate them.
They are the ones who have to change, or have change forced upon them.
And, rather than confiscating passports and preventing these guys from
leaving to fight for ISIS, I think we should wait till they get there to
cancel their passports: If they prefer to be citizens of Headhackistan,
so be it. But, if they attempt to return to Canada (or America,
Britain, Australia, Europe), they should be charged with treason." No wonder Muslims keep attacking and killing, when all they hear are soft, spineless Americans talking about "workplace violence" and still, even after a beheading in Oklahoma, pandering and excusing! I wish Obama himself could be charged with treason.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Good Friday Links
The Council has spoken! Here are the latest Watcher's Council winners. This week's winner is The Razor's Kick Turkey Out of NATO. The non-Council winner is The Volokh Conspiracy's post Can ministers who make a living by conducting weddings be required to conduct same-sex weddings?
Here's Daniel Greenfield's Friday Afternoon Roundup, intriguingly titled Dogs, Tornados and Jews.
Here's Daniel Greenfield's Friday Afternoon Roundup, intriguingly titled Dogs, Tornados and Jews.
Ebola: Not Up My Alley
My first thought when I heard about the doctor who went bowling with Ebola was, "If this is a doctor, I'm glad I'm not one of his patients!" My second thought was "I hope he's not Jewish". (He's not.) Maybe he mistook the word "Ebola" for "bowler" and headed off to the lanes.
Read some of the tweets about his sheer lack of common sense. I like the appellation "Doctors Without Brains", but it can also be called "People Without Brains", and there's no vaccine that fights stupidity.
Read some of the tweets about his sheer lack of common sense. I like the appellation "Doctors Without Brains", but it can also be called "People Without Brains", and there's no vaccine that fights stupidity.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Just Blame The Jews
This is Lewis Barber's column at the Jerusalem Post. I like what he has to say about Obama and Kerry.
"Even when a British Muslim
kills a British Christian there will always be someone who blames the
Jews and Israel. So went the words of Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, who is also Leader of The Jewish Home and in the security cabinet.
Obama will be gone soon and hopefully the most insignificant and
flailing Secretary of State ever to walk this Earth will follow suit. A
change of administration will inevitably lead to a Pro-Israel President
and America can once again lead the voices of support from a wilderness
they have dwindled in for too long. Until then we need to sit tight, its
going to be a bumpy ride."
Does the world have a problem? Just blame the Jews and Israel
I have to look around and shake my head in disbelief. Student Unions in
England refuse to condemn ISIS, warn me a condemnation motion of Hamas
could be seen as Islamophobic, take down Holocaust memorials and strike
down attempts to remember victims of the Holocaust for being
Eurocentric. I feel all the progress made by society in other areas is
for nothing. And this is just the tip of an iceberg as anti-Israel
‘campaigners’ chip away at the Israeli cause and Jewish acceptance.
response to Kerry's claims ISIS is a problem created by Israel echoes
what many in Israel, the Diaspora and their wide group of friends across
the world will be feeling right now as Israel and Jews are blamed for a
whole range of issues. It follows on from what has been a tough Summer
for Jews and a disastrous month for Israeli-American relations; and it
is completely the fault of the Americans whose ruling administration is
desperately bashing Israel as its power and support continues to wither.
with all anti-Israel purveyors, the veil of Obama has in the last few
weeks finally slipped away. His outrageous condemnation of plans to
build Jewish homes in an undisputed part of Jerusalem is nothing less
than anti-Semitic, particularly considering these plans for new housing
included a sizeable batch for Israel’s Arab minority and follows on from
Obama attempting to sound tough as Jews bought houses in East
question Obama has to ask himself as his Presidency falls into
obscurity and golf matches is what would be the reaction if he condemned
Boris Johnson for allowing Jews to build houses in London or if he
slammed the Parisian Mayor for building homes for ethnic minorities in
suburban Paris? He should also look in the mirror and think exactly what
he is doing when he criticises Jews for moving into predominantly Arab
areas; Obama is nothing short of saying a person, based on their
ethnicity and religion, should not live in a particular area.
would be uproar and rightfully so if this was applied elsewhere; we had
all hoped the days had long gone when Jews were not allowed to build
homes in territory that is as undisputed as North London or downtown New
York. The land where the development, not settlement building, is
taking place is Israeli, rightfully it always has been and always will
be. For a foreign leader to intervene and condemn Jews for building
homes in any city is disgraceful but to do so under the mask of being a
supporter of peace in the region is even worse.
is not to say that Obama is an anti-Semite; I do not think he is, but
he has fallen into the trap that all those who use bombastic language to
criticise Israel, as opposed to constructive dialogue, do. Think back
to the vote in Britain’s House of Parliament where one unscrupulous
member bemoaned the influence of America’s Jewish lobby, a completely
irrelevant point to make when discussing the issues surrounding the
Arab-Israeli conflict. The Member of Parliament got caught up in the
hubris of a topic he clearly falls short in understanding or having any
rational ideas in how to sort.
course, it is true that America exerts a large influence on the
region’s development, but to suggest this is down to a small number of
Jews in the corridors of power is a concerning concept to espouse. It
harkens back to the anti-Semitism of liberals in the 19th Century and the mainstream blame of economic woes on the Jews in Europe during the early 20th Century to the middle of the cold war; a thesis that has grown since the global recessions from 2008 onwards.
these examples are just part of the narrative that the world’s issues
are down to a Jewish controlled Illuminati, pulling the strings of
capitalism and dictating state policy at will world over to suit their
own agenda. Naturally, this is completely absurd and the real reason
America, as well as most countries world over, have always been stead
fast in our support for Israel is because of our cultural similarities,
our (growing) economic co-operation, Israel's strategic importance on
top of a genuine affection of the Israeli nation and what it stands for
amongst the population; and do not let a vocal minority tell you
Naftali was summing up a much broader issue when slating Kerry for
blaming Israel on the rise of ISIS. Rather than confronting the real
reasons for the worlds’ problem, global leaders slips back to what has
been a historically default position on scapegoating; blame the Jews
whatever form that may take.
Lots o' Links
Read all about the terrorism-that's-not-terrorism, as well as the week's other news, at Betsy's Page, Maggie's Farm, and Larwyn's Linx.
I agree with Betsy about PM Stephen Harper not pussyfooting around the word "terrorist" (You'll remember he also doesn't pussyfoot around his support for Israel.)
And here's the well-deserved ovation for hero Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers in Parliament.
Have you guessed that the Weasel of the Week is John Kerry?
Oh, why don't you just shut up? State Dept Urges Israel to Avoid Escalating Tensions After Muslim Murder of Israeli-American Baby.
This takes the concept of dumbing-down to a new level: "Probe: Athletes took fake classes at University of North Carolina."
(Cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon.)
I agree with Betsy about PM Stephen Harper not pussyfooting around the word "terrorist" (You'll remember he also doesn't pussyfoot around his support for Israel.)
And here's the well-deserved ovation for hero Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers in Parliament.
Have you guessed that the Weasel of the Week is John Kerry?
Oh, why don't you just shut up? State Dept Urges Israel to Avoid Escalating Tensions After Muslim Murder of Israeli-American Baby.
This takes the concept of dumbing-down to a new level: "Probe: Athletes took fake classes at University of North Carolina."
(Cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon.)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Terrorism and Murder in Israel
"JERUSALEM – A Palestinian motorist with a
history of anti-Israel violence slammed his car into a crowded train
station in Jerusalem on Wednesday, killing a three-month-old baby girl and wounding eight people in what police called a terror attack." But remember, everything is Israel's fault, and when she retaliates, the deranged pro-Palestinian supporters always march against Israel and the Jews. I don't see anyone marching against baby-killers like this one!
Read Seth Mandel's description of the biased reporting of the story, including this: "The Associated Press got plenty of attention for its initial headline of the story: 'Israeli police shoot man in east Jerusalem.'"
Read Seth Mandel's description of the biased reporting of the story, including this: "The Associated Press got plenty of attention for its initial headline of the story: 'Israeli police shoot man in east Jerusalem.'"
Terrorism and Murder in Canada
When I heard about the killing of the guard at the Ottawa War Memorial, I thought of the 2013 murder of Lee Rigby in England. This is not "workplace violence", and it's not about a video. It's a deliberate, targeted terrorist attack. The killing of Cpl. Cirillo is as if someone killed a guard at our Tomb of the Unknown Solider. This was an act of savagery at a sacred place and should not be downplayed or forgiven.
(If political correctness is the first response by police to a terrorist attack, we're in very big trouble indeed: In wake of Ottawa shootings, Police Chiefs send letters to Muslim leaders inviting Muslims to contact them if they fear “backlash”) Maybe they can come up with pre-printed letters like this for all countries to use whenever they're attacked!)
(If political correctness is the first response by police to a terrorist attack, we're in very big trouble indeed: In wake of Ottawa shootings, Police Chiefs send letters to Muslim leaders inviting Muslims to contact them if they fear “backlash”) Maybe they can come up with pre-printed letters like this for all countries to use whenever they're attacked!)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Oscar De La Renta
When you heard the name Oscar De La Renta, you always associated it with class and taste, two things in very short supply today.
Monica Lewinsky, Just Go Away Already!
Here's more proof that nobody wants to take any personal responsibility: Monica Lewinsky: Drudge Ruined My Life.
If she is supposed to represent the best of the Forbes Under 30 Summit, then we're in worse shape than I thought. Other than have an affair with Bill Clinton, what has she actually done?
If she is supposed to represent the best of the Forbes Under 30 Summit, then we're in worse shape than I thought. Other than have an affair with Bill Clinton, what has she actually done?
Monday, October 20, 2014
Their Father's Memory
It's fine if the Met wants to ignore all the protests of the so-called opera "The Death of Klinghoffer." But how can they in good conscience ignore the children of Leon Klinghoffer, who are suffering yet again? Lisa and Ilsa Klinghoffer have written a column about this injustice to their father's memory.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Democrats: Hazardous to Your Mental & Financial Health
Michael Goodwin has a good column up about Obama entitled A Toxic President. We've known this for the past six years, but I guess it takes the horror of Ebola to wake up others. What I still can't understand is how the upcoming House and Senate races are so close despite all the Democrat lies and evasions.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
No Friend of Israel
This is disgraceful, yet not surprising, coming from this White House: "The Obama administration stopped shipping to Israel all defense items
– and not just Hellfire missiles as previously reported – for a short
time in the middle of the war against Hamas, reported Israel Defense’s
Amir Rappaport, the well-informed and highly credibly editor of the
website. Makor Rishon added to that report that the US actually cut off all
communications with Israel’s Ministry of Defense purchasing offices in
the US for days." Add this to the ever-growing list of Obama scandals.
I'm tired of being bombarded with stories like this one: Obamacare one year later: Many Americans can’t afford to see their doctor.
All this could have been avoided. You're the ones who demanded free health care instead of going to free clinics. You're the ones who elected Obama not once but twice. The rest of us are working and paying for our own health care and yours. You have no right to complain now.
Secret Service, 11-22-63
Vanity Fair has an interesting article titled Could the Secret Service Have Saved J.F.K? : "As the agents who guard the president come under renewed
scrutiny, revisits the entrenched culture of the Secret
Service a half century ago and reexamines the actions of John F.
Kennedy’s security detail on that fateful day in Dallas." We've heard and read most of this before. Clint Hill and LBJ's bodyguard Rufus Youngblood were the heroes. But it was always hard to understand why William Greer drove the presidential limo so slowly. All the agents had to live with the guilt for years afterwards.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Proof That You Can't Trust Anyone Any More
It's so much worse when the betrayers are Jewish, like Madoff and this disgrace: "Rabbi charged with voyeurism hid camera in clock-radio in ritual bath, police report says."
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Weasel of the Week
It's no surprise that this week's recipient of the Golden Weasel award is Dr. Thomas Frieden of the CDC who implied that you can't catch Ebola, period.
Lots 'o Links
There seems to be a fresh Obama scandal every day, so it's a good thing we have these blogs around to keep everything straight for us: Maggie's Farm; Betsy's Page; and Larwyn's Linx.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
The Life of Klinghoffer
Regarding the disgraceful, and disgracefully titled, "The Death of Klinghoffer": Staging controversial opera, due to debut October 20 at NY’s Met, is like putting on a production of an ISIS beheading, critics say. Please, let's not give John Adams any further ideas!
"Personal Responsibility"? What's That??
Jazz Shaw writes about the end of the era of personal responsibility. "I’m left to wonder precisely where this carnival ride ends. We are
breeding a generation which is increasingly less self-reliant, while
ushering in conditions which seem doomed to a disastrous collapse. And
what skills will the modern generation draw upon if they are thrust back
into a life where the government can do little or nothing to save them?
None of the luxurious riches and privileges we enjoy today are
guaranteed to infinity and beyond. Empires rise and they fall. Sometimes
– with luck, hard work and perseverance – they rise again. But the
people who rebuild from such ruins will need the stamina and grit of
those who survived the dust bowl, not a knack for rebooting after a bad
session of video gaming."
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Death of a Judas
Here's another example of a loathsome human being living to a nice old age: David Greenglass, dead at 92. His sister Ethel Rosenberg was only 37.
Crown Heights --- Again
"Hooligans" is too polite a word to describe these animals:
"A group of 50 to 75 teenage hooligans entered a Jewish-owned grocery store, Gourmet Butcher, on Carroll and Troy street in Crown Heights and trashed it, according to a report.Says Daniel Greenfield, "The employees of the butcher store however don’t take the invasion lying down and instead of doing the 'Hands Up, Don’t Loot' thing, they chase the thugs out with a broom. I’m sure Obama Inc. will shortly be hitting them with a civil rights investigation."
The attack happened on Saturday night, when a group of teenagers vandalizing cars and school buses on the street, then entered the store, trashed it, and assaulted one of the workers.
The owner, Yanki Klein, called the police. He also said that besides regularly stealing products, teenagers have come into his store yelling 'heil Hitler'."
Monday, October 13, 2014
Quarterback Attack
Say it's so, Joe! Hooray for Joe Flacco and the record-breaking five touchdowns he threw yesterday!
Tony Romo's performance yesterday was also pretty terrific, and a real vindication for him.
It's the quarterbacks that have turned me into a football fan -- that and Trent Dilfer. The intelligent post-football game analysis by Chris Berman, Tom Jackson, Dilfer and others has, for some reason, become must-see TV for me.
Tony Romo's performance yesterday was also pretty terrific, and a real vindication for him.
It's the quarterbacks that have turned me into a football fan -- that and Trent Dilfer. The intelligent post-football game analysis by Chris Berman, Tom Jackson, Dilfer and others has, for some reason, become must-see TV for me.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Conservatively Speaking
Well, this is insulting. Chuck Todd: Should Conservatives 'Surrender in the Culture Wars'?" They expect conservatives to simply throw away their principles and cave in to political correctness and liberal propaganda? Sorry -- not this conservative!
(How come nobody ever asks if liberals would surrender to conservative values?)
(How come nobody ever asks if liberals would surrender to conservative values?)
Todd: Should Conservatives ‘Surrender In the Culture Wars?’ - See more
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Death to Traitors
"Israeli Arab Who Joined ISIS Killed in Iraq: Better that Israeli Arab terrorists find martyrdom elsewhere than stay in Israel." And much better that the American ISIS get killed in the Middle East than stay in the United States, supported by our tax dollars. These are not "disaffected youth", these are killers -- don't forget that.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Haveil Havalim Time
The Yom Kippur/Sukkot Edition of Haveil Havalim is up at Adventures in AliyahLand.
Watcher's Council
The Council has spoken! Here are the latest Watcher's Council results, featuring Bookworm Room's post on the Ebola virus.
The Weasel of the Week award has been bestowed upon the U.S. Supreme Court for its non-opinion opinion on gay "marriage."
The Weasel of the Week award has been bestowed upon the U.S. Supreme Court for its non-opinion opinion on gay "marriage."
Gwynnie, The Ninny
From Allahpundit at HotAir: "Gwyneth Paltrow to Obama: You’re very handsome and you should have all the power you need for your agenda. Nothing new about celebrity obsequiousness to The One, especially at a fundraiser, but Paltrow’s special blend of pretention and over-the-top slobber deserves attention. For once I’m glad we don’t have video. I can’t imagine watching these lines actually being delivered. As regards the part about O being so handsome that he rendered her dumbstruck, remind yourself that this is a woman who was once engaged to a young Brad Pitt."
The Five just awarded her their Fool of the Week award.
The Five just awarded her their Fool of the Week award.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Canadian Gumption
Read about Canada's alternative to the Keystone Pipeline:
"It would be Keystone on steroids, more than twice as long and carrying a third more crude. Its end point, a refinery in the blue-collar city of Saint John, New Brunswick, operated by a reclusive Canadian billionaire family, would give Canada’s oil-sands crude supertanker access to the same Louisiana and Texas refineries Keystone was meant to supply.
… if you’re a fed-up Canadian, like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, there’s a bonus: Obama can’t do a single thing about it."Well, good for them. And shame on us.
Lots 'o Links
Catch up with, and get infuriated at, the stories reported at Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, and Larwyn's Linx.
And in politically correct and idiotic news, Australia wants to cancel a production of Carmen -- because they think it promotes smoking! Bizet must be rolling in his grave.
And in politically correct and idiotic news, Australia wants to cancel a production of Carmen -- because they think it promotes smoking! Bizet must be rolling in his grave.
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
The Death of Common Sense
I like this Lloyd Marcus column, in which he says, "Is it just me, or have you noticed that feelings now trump common sense and rational reasoned thinking in America today? Feelings have become more important than national security, our economy, the lives of our troops and even public health when you observe the politically correct way our government is dealing with this Ebola thing. It is insane." He refers to this as the Oprah-rization of America. (And no, t's not just him. Back in 2008 I referred to Obama as the Oprahfication of the Presidency, so it's been going on a while!) The term is fitting, because her rallies helped get him elected.
By the way, didn't you feel reassured at Obama's comment today? "[T]here’s a sense possibly that the world is spinning so fast and nobody is able to control it." No kidding! Not only the world but our heads are spinning, and you certainly can't control it, since you caused so much of it.
By the way, didn't you feel reassured at Obama's comment today? "[T]here’s a sense possibly that the world is spinning so fast and nobody is able to control it." No kidding! Not only the world but our heads are spinning, and you certainly can't control it, since you caused so much of it.
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
The I Word and the T Word
Here's a great article about the scourge of political correctness, which William Pollack calls a terrorist's best friend. After listing some ridiculous examples of PC, he says this:
"A maddening example of political correctness run amok is Barack Obama’s refusal to call acts of terror committed in the name of Islam exactly what they are: Islamic terrorism. President Obama will not even refer to ISIS as Islamic terrorists. But they themselves do. This horrifically dangerous creation refer to themselves as the ISLAMIC State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Like their Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah offshoots, they commit massive, reprehensible acts of terror while conquering more and more territory. To President Obama, the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma or journalists in Iraq, the Ft. Hood shooting, the annihilation of Christians and their communities in Syria and Iraq, 5000 rockets fired at civilians in Israel this summer or any other act of sheer death and destruction in the name of Islam does not warrant calling it what it is: Islamic Terrorism. This is delusional, dangerous and a clear example of political correctness utilized to defend the indefensible.
How can we defeat an enemy we cannot honestly define? The next thing you know, a follower of Islam might behead or shoot more innocents on American soil only to have the politically-obsessed Obama Administration refer to such Islamic terror as something more mundane like workplace violence. Oh, wait, they’ve already done that."
It's unbelievable that this president makes it easier for the enemy rather than harder -- it's as if he's been writing their propaganda for them. No wonder nobody fears us.
(Take a look at this post from 2008 titled "Politically Correct Terrorism". Nothing has changed!)
"A maddening example of political correctness run amok is Barack Obama’s refusal to call acts of terror committed in the name of Islam exactly what they are: Islamic terrorism. President Obama will not even refer to ISIS as Islamic terrorists. But they themselves do. This horrifically dangerous creation refer to themselves as the ISLAMIC State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Like their Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah offshoots, they commit massive, reprehensible acts of terror while conquering more and more territory. To President Obama, the beheading of a grandmother in Oklahoma or journalists in Iraq, the Ft. Hood shooting, the annihilation of Christians and their communities in Syria and Iraq, 5000 rockets fired at civilians in Israel this summer or any other act of sheer death and destruction in the name of Islam does not warrant calling it what it is: Islamic Terrorism. This is delusional, dangerous and a clear example of political correctness utilized to defend the indefensible.
How can we defeat an enemy we cannot honestly define? The next thing you know, a follower of Islam might behead or shoot more innocents on American soil only to have the politically-obsessed Obama Administration refer to such Islamic terror as something more mundane like workplace violence. Oh, wait, they’ve already done that."
It's unbelievable that this president makes it easier for the enemy rather than harder -- it's as if he's been writing their propaganda for them. No wonder nobody fears us.
(Take a look at this post from 2008 titled "Politically Correct Terrorism". Nothing has changed!)
Yet Another Unnecessary Remake!
If you love Sunset Boulevard with the great Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, you will hate this horrible news as much as I do. From Liz Smith:
"OH! And this just came my way, speaking of David Fincher and Billy Wilder. There’s a rumor Fincher wants to be the man to update “Sunset Boulevard.” He is said to be “obsessed” with Billy Wilder’s great 1950 classic. And, it is also said he wants to use Vincente Minnelli’s abandoned mansion on Sunset and Crescent Drive as the house in which Norma Desmond weaves her fantasies. (Liza Minnelli still owns the place.)
Fincher, who directed a number of Madonna’s most famous videos, including “Vogue,” wouldn’t mind escorting her back to the big screen as Norma."
He should escort her OFF the big screen as Norma!
"OH! And this just came my way, speaking of David Fincher and Billy Wilder. There’s a rumor Fincher wants to be the man to update “Sunset Boulevard.” He is said to be “obsessed” with Billy Wilder’s great 1950 classic. And, it is also said he wants to use Vincente Minnelli’s abandoned mansion on Sunset and Crescent Drive as the house in which Norma Desmond weaves her fantasies. (Liza Minnelli still owns the place.)
Fincher, who directed a number of Madonna’s most famous videos, including “Vogue,” wouldn’t mind escorting her back to the big screen as Norma."
He should escort her OFF the big screen as Norma!
Professor Sowell Speaks
Here's an excerpt from Thomas Sowell's latest column: "There was a time
when an outbreak of a deadly disease overseas would bring virtually
unanimous agreement that our top priority should be to keep it overseas.
Yet Barack Obama has refused to bar entry to the United States by
people from countries where the Ebola epidemic rages, as Britain has
The reason? Refusing to let people
with Ebola enter the United States would conflict with the goal of
fighting the disease. In other words, the safety of the American people takes second place to the goal of helping people overseas.
As if to emphasize his
priorities, President Obama has ordered thousands of American troops to
go into Ebola-stricken Liberia, disregarding the dangers to those troops
and to other Americans when the troops return.
What does this say about Obama?
At a minimum, it suggests that he takes his conception of himself as a citizen
of the world more seriously than he takes his role as President of the
United States. At worst, he may consider Americans' interests expendable
in the grand scheme of things internationally. If so, this would
explain a lot of his foreign policy disasters around the world, which
seem inexplicable otherwise."
(Cartoon by Gary Varvel)
Monday, October 06, 2014
Argus Hamilton Quips
The humorist seems to have even more material to work with than ever, thanks to the never-ending Obama scandals. I liked this zinger from his latest column: "Secret
Service chief Julia Pierson apologized to Congress for security
breaches. The next day, she submitted her resignation. Actually she
leaped over the White House fence and ran across the North Lawn, then
dove through an Oval Office window and handed it to the president."
Infantile Antisemitism
This is a disease where people become antisemites at a very early age. Unfortunately, there's no cure. In this case of a vile 14 year old Dutch antisemite, the treatment was ... suspension from school.
Oh Well!
Hey, I think Jed Babbin stole my idea with his article aptly titled President Alfred E. Neuman! It just shows how obvious his laxness has been -- or at least obvious to those of us who didn't vote for him.
Jeannie DeAngelis also talks about the Ebola crisis (or non-crisis, if you listen to the Obama media) in her column Amnesty for Ebola.
On The Five tonight, Bob Beckel waved away the others' concerns by saying "He'll be out of office in two years", as if that will help matters. It's what he's done to this country these past 6 years, and what he's doing and not doing now, that matters. Imagine what shape we'll be in when he's finally done!
(Cartoon by Michael Ramirez.)
Jeannie DeAngelis also talks about the Ebola crisis (or non-crisis, if you listen to the Obama media) in her column Amnesty for Ebola.
On The Five tonight, Bob Beckel waved away the others' concerns by saying "He'll be out of office in two years", as if that will help matters. It's what he's done to this country these past 6 years, and what he's doing and not doing now, that matters. Imagine what shape we'll be in when he's finally done!
(Cartoon by Michael Ramirez.)
Saturday, October 04, 2014
Some Weekend Links
There's much to read at Daniel Greenfield's Friday Afternoon Roundup. This edition is titled Ancient History.
I love American Digest for its news, videos, and commentary, and this video brought back lots of memories. Pass it along to anyone who's worked in an office for the past 30 years.
Great Britain had better destroy ISIS quickly, because Obama's not going to do it: "David Cameron vows to defeat ISIS after beheading of British aid worker" Alan Henning. Also, American hostage Peter Kassig has actually converted to Islam in an attempt to keep from being executed. (Thankfully, he's not Jewish.) Converting won't help -- killing them by any means necessary will.
I love American Digest for its news, videos, and commentary, and this video brought back lots of memories. Pass it along to anyone who's worked in an office for the past 30 years.
Great Britain had better destroy ISIS quickly, because Obama's not going to do it: "David Cameron vows to defeat ISIS after beheading of British aid worker" Alan Henning. Also, American hostage Peter Kassig has actually converted to Islam in an attempt to keep from being executed. (Thankfully, he's not Jewish.) Converting won't help -- killing them by any means necessary will.
Friday, October 03, 2014
"Mentsh or Mooch"
I always enjoy Greg Crosby's columns. In this one, he discusses personal responsibility (you remember what that is, don't you?) and says, "It's your choice. You can be a mentsh or you can be a mooch."
News From The Watcher's Council
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What, him worry? |
You will not be surprised to learn that the winner of the Weasel of the Week award is none other than Obama. There ought to be a Weasel of the Decade award just for him.
Speaking of Obama, you must read
The Case for Panic. "Information was selectively leaked. Half-truths and untruths were uttered. Responsibility was avoided; privileges and credentials asserted; authority reasserted. Trust us. Remain calm. Don’t panic. This is the template of recent events."
Thursday, October 02, 2014
Fifty Years of Fiddler
Did you grow up with the musical version of "Fiddler on the Roof"? Then you'll love reading this trivia, including some of the stars who were originally considered for the roles of Tevye and Golde!
Lots 'o Links
The outrageous stories you see in the news every day? You shouldn't know from it! Luckily we have these bloggers to give you a condensed version: Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, and Larwyn's Linx.
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
The Real Scandal
Wow! After I read this scathing indictment of Obama at, I thought this had to be a different Piers Morgan than the one that used to be on CNN! Get this headline: A slapdash Secret Service detail isn't what's wrong with the White House - the real scandal is a President who is so complacent about protecting Americans. I wish someone in his administration would speak like this.
By the way, I sure hope the Dems don't try using the usual "war on women" excuse to explain why the female head of the Secret Service just resigned. Can we please have a tough man in that role now instead of caving in to dangerous political correctness again?
By the way, I sure hope the Dems don't try using the usual "war on women" excuse to explain why the female head of the Secret Service just resigned. Can we please have a tough man in that role now instead of caving in to dangerous political correctness again?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this sudden spate of White House security breaches is odd. Read the comments. I actually thought that the spin doctors have been trying to get sympathy for Obama, abandoned not only by James Clapper and the intelligence community, but now by his own Secret Service. I think the word is "scapegoats", while Obama's portrayed as the victim.
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