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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Oprahfication of the Presidency

InstaPunk has a very good post about Obama and his Teflon coating, via Cold Fury: "The first black President must be a politican, not a messiah. We've already seen what happens when teflon meets a halo. The halo wins. Without even being responsive. The truth is -- and this is not racist, but statistically valid -- that the first black president really can't coast unexamined into office; he has an absolute moral obligation to demonstrate with full candor and understanding that he isn't Marion Barry, Alcee Hastings, William Jefferson, Ray Nagin, or all the mayors of Newark, Detroit, and Philadelphia who have ridden the horse of jury nullification into sinecures of power only to abuse that power in systematic ways while branding all who objected to their corruption as bigots. What we cannot afford at this time in our history is a sainted Jimmy Carter, a well educated Huey Long, or a closet Castro. Inquire of yourselves -- again and again -- how did a neophyte take down the Clintons?"

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