Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Saturday, December 29, 2018

"They Shall Not Grow Old"

It's remarkable to see how modern these World War I scenes look in color.  This is a great documentary, from all I've read.

Last week I saw the WWI film "Paths of Glory", and previously I've seen "All Quiet on the Western Front", both of which I recommend highly.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Lots 'o Links

Today I came across this wonderful musical group called the New York Classical Players.  See more at this Vimeo page.

It's reading time, courtesy of Maggie's Farm, Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing, and Larwyn's Linx!

Here's a clever comment by Don Surber, in a post titled "Obama made ISI, Trump destroyed it": "In a New York Times op-ed column, Susan Rice called President Donald John Trump the biggest threat to world security. Which means he is bringing peace because Miss Rice is a proliferate prevaricator. She is one of the left's many liars who lie out of habit.
The real threat to global peace was the fellow they gave the Nobel Peace Prize to."

Dave Barry's 2018 in review contains items such as this one, for May:  "…the biggest story by far is the wedding of American ex-actress Meghan Markle to Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, who is in the direct line of succession to the British throne behind Prince Louis of Cambridge, who is behind Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, who is behind Prince George of Cambridge, who is behind Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, who is behind Charles, Prince of Wales, who is 70 but any year now could get his shot at becoming the anachronistic ceremonial figurehead of one of the world’s most second-rate powers. With the stakes so high, the media giddiness level soars to Defcon 1; the wedding cake alone gets more media coverage than Africa and global climate change combined."

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Lots 'o Links

If you need something to read, visit Liz Sheld's Morning BriefingLarwyn's Linx, and Maggie's Farm!

Bonus: some of us have heard about this before, but you might enjoy reading the secret Jewish history of Connie Francis.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Merry Christmas Already!

Dennis Prager has the yearly eradication-of-all-things-Christmas article, and here are a few of his comments that I identify with and agree with:

"I'm a non-Christian. I'm a Jew. Christmas is not a religious holy day for me. But I'm an American, and Christmas is an American national holiday. Therefore, as an American, it is my holiday — though not my holy day — as much as it is for my fellow Americans who are Christian. It was a Jewish-American, Irving Berlin, who wrote 'White Christmas,' one of America's most popular Christmas songs. In fact, according to a Jewish musician writing in The New York Times, 'almost all the most popular Christmas songs were written by Jews.'

But even if Christmas were not a national holiday, I would want pilots to wish their passengers a merry Christmas, companies to have Christmas parties and schools to continue to have Christmas vacations. Just because I don't personally celebrate Christmas, why would I demand my society drop the word 'Christmas' when the holiday is celebrated by 90 percent of my fellow Americans?"

Exactly.  But I think kids today, who didn't grow up with the real Christmas, the reason for Christmas, the religion and the tradition, think this eerie lack of Christmas is somehow normal, and it's really too bad.  They are missing a lot. Funny how nobody was offended when I was a kid, while everyone is perpetually offended today.

Change the name to Spendmas and get it over with. If you watch TV, you'd swear that everyone gives a new car for Christmas, and if you look at your inbox, you're bombarded with sale ads. Lately I've had between 150-300 annoying messages a day! Do people really buy cannabis oil as a gift?

I'll be relieved when Greedmas comes and goes, and the roads will no longer be jammed with crazy shoppers complaining about the credit card bills they can't afford; TV will be much quieter; and my inbox will be much emptier.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Argus Hamilton Quips

Take a look at Argus Hamilton's latest amusing column full on observations on the current news, including this item:

"Kevin Hart's firing as Oscar host over long-ago anti-gay tweets brought progressive orthodoxy under scrutiny Sunday. Its double standards are glaring. Being a progressive means you're fine with rap music calling women b-tches and hoes, but you're deeply offended by Baby, It's Cold Outside."

Liar of The Year

I see that Christine Blasey Ford was actually considered as one of the nominees for Time's Person of the Year

She didn't win the honor, but if she had, Time should have renamed it Liar of the Year.

Friday, December 07, 2018

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Back to "Normal"

After watching the Houston part of the funeral services for President George H.W.Bush today, which like the previous days was full of grace, class, and beautiful images and comforting rituals, television seemed even louder, busier, and sleazier than ever by comparison. What a shame!

Lots 'o Links

This is the first Betsyless list of great news & culture roundups, so please visit Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing, Larwyn's Linx, and Maggie's Farm.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018


C-Span's coverage of the lying-in-state of President Bush is mesmerizing. While watching today, I saw these two very touching sights.

Bob Dole, struggling to his feet to salute and show respect, from one war hero to another.

Later, to my surprise, the Bush family came to the Rotunda not only to pay their respects. but to thank the visitors! W. looked less haggard today, and that adorable baby gave everyone a reason to smile. 

Monday, December 03, 2018

The Passing of The Greatest Generation

The best thing on TV today has been the honoring of George H.W. Bush. As I did when Reagan died, I've been glued to the set this evening, especially watching the lying in state in the Rotunda -- the Trumbull paintings; the changing of the Honor Guard; the silence, solemnity, and respect of the dignitaries and the public alike; the beautiful photography -- it's simply been awe-inspiring and makes you even prouder to be American.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Farewell, President George H.W. Bush

I voted for him, I always liked him and have read about his life.  This touching Marshall Ramsey cartoon touches on the most important people and events of that long life.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lots 'o Links

End your week with these news roundups from Maggie's Farm and Larwyn's Linx.

You'll notice that Betsy's Page is missing, and that's because she has decided to retire from blogging after 16 years.  Read her farewell post here.  When I first discovered online blogs, hers is one of the first and best ones I read, and I've been loyal ever since. Back in 2006, when I first started blogging, hers is one of the favorites I listed, and I'll be sad to take Betsy's Page off my blogroll.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Argus Hamilton Quips

Check out Hamilton's latest humorous column, which includes topical items like this one: "President Trump insisted that Congress pass a budget with twenty-five billion in Mexican wall funding. If the Congress refuses to fund the wall in the budget, Trump is threatening to allow a U.S. government shutdown. That would force millions of federal workers to stop not working."

Pot Pushers

This Gary Varvel cartoon is perfect. I am really sick & tired of hearing about how supposedly harmless marijuana is, and how everyone should invest in it. The media is constantly pushing it  and extolling it. They ought to watch "Cops" or "Live PD" to see how insidious it really is.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Insulting Comparison

The ignorant Ocasio-Cortez has done it again. 
"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) slammed Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) for comparing events at the U.S.-Mexico border involving migrants to Jews fleeing the Holocaust in Nazi Germany.
'I recommend she take a tour of the Holocaust Museum in DC,' Graham tweeted Monday. 'Might help her better understand the differences between the Holocaust and the caravan in Tijuana."
I doubt it.
Has she ever heard about Jewish quotas in the 1930s & 1940s? Did she ever hear how the liner St Louis was turned away from the U.S., sending Jewish passengers back to be murdered in the camps? Does she know about a Wannsee Conference in Central America, or the systematic use of ovens in C.A. concentration camps? Is there a Final Solution in Mexico? 
What a pathetic excuse for an elected representative of our country!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Links

National Review has a nice roundup of Thanksgiving-themed links, including Ten Thanksgiving Words With Bizarre Origins, and What’s a Wishbone, and Why Do We Crack It?

Infantile Trump-Haters

It seems that if you despise Trump, you automatically also hate anyone associated with him, no matter how accomplished, and you try to erase their memory. Here's a case in point:

From The Daily Wire: "The Detroit School Board voted Wednesday to open consideration into whether a handful of DPS schools should have their 'offensive' names changed — including Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine, named for former presidential candidate, accomplished surgeon, and Housing and Urban Development director, Dr. Ben Carson."

How disgraceful and petty! Here's a man who's a true role model. Who would they rather name a school for, Louis Farrakhan?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lots 'o Links

There's so much to read out there! Here's some more, thanks to Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, Larwyn's Linx, and Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing.

For some beautiful writing, read The Orchard at the End of Paradise, by Gerard Van der Leun at American Digest.

(Cartoon by Gary Varvel.)

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

New York:The San Francisco of the Northeast

Sound familiar? Thanks a lot, Democrats!

From American Thinker: "New York City is experiencing an accelerated, steep decline in quality of life. NYC now has the highest homeless population in the country. It has spiked by about 50% under the leadership of ultraprogressive Mayor Bill de Blasio. Homeless people are all over the place, living in squalor, very commonly panhandling passersby,  making them feel quite uncomfortable, and committing lots of crime. Many of these people are mentally and physically ill and need serious assistance.

Recently, NYC decided to no longer arrest or prosecute for public marijuana use, as well as for public urination. Even public drunkenness has been decriminalized under de Blasio’s lead. NYC police are now under order not to break up excessively loud parties, and stop and frisk police arrest policies have been put out of business.

In short, NYC is becoming a quality-of-life nightmare. Gone are the days of neighborhood improvement under mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg, as the city is once again becoming a cesspool of all that drives decent people away." 

Annoying Commercials

I'm sure we can all agree with the sentiment expressed in Steve Kelley's amusing cartoon, as seen today at

Monday, November 12, 2018

Photos from Armistice Day Centenary Ceremonies

Here are some beautiful photographs from yesterday's ceremonies all over the world. I watched the touching Paris ceremony.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Armistice Day Centenary 11-11-1918 -- 11-11-2018

The armistice was "the end of the nightmare" for France, as these contemporary accounts attest.

The New York Times has photos unpublished for 100 years that show "the joy of war's end".

Visit this slideshow of unforgotten victims and memorial places.

Friday, November 09, 2018

New York's Official Clock Master

I love these stories about senior citizens who still work, and work hard: "When daylight saving time begins and ends, it falls to Marvin Schneider, 79, New York’s official clock master, to reset some of the grandest public clocks in the city."

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Beautiful Music

Here's some wonderful music to perk you up: Symphony No. 6 in D major, Op. 60: III. Scherzo-Furiant: Presto,  by Dvorak. The scenery in this YouTube video is also nice.

Lots 'o Links

Read the latest political and culture news along with lots of interesting tidbits at Larwyn's Linx, Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, and Liz Sheld's Morning Briefing.

Friday, November 02, 2018

Job Growth? Vote Republican!

Via Instapundit: "IF THERE WERE A DEMOCRAT IN THE WHITE HOUSE, THE ECONOMY WOULD DOMINATE THE NEWS: Economy adds robust 250,000 jobs in October in last employment report before election. 'The unemployment rate was unchanged at a near 50-year low of 3.7 percent. Annual wage growth topped 3 percent for the first time in nine years.'"

Why on earth would you vote Democrat/Socialist and reverse this trend?

Thursday, November 01, 2018

The Pogrom in Pittsburgh

I am sending a donation to the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh:  "Funds collected for Our Victims of Terror are earmarked for the psychological services, support for families, general services, reconstruction, additional security throughout the community, medical bills, as well as counseling and other services that may prove necessary for victims and first responders during their recovery. Our religious and day schools will also most likely require additional resources to help our youth process this tragic episode. This fund will help both the Jewish community members and the first responders affected."

You can also donate to the Tree of Life Synagogue itself.

Lots 'o Links

Get ready for some good reading at Betsy's Page, Larwyn's  Linx, Maggie's Farm, and Liz Sheld.

Also, the title of this column at the Federalist gives my reasons why I'm not a Democrat: "The Democratic Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life."

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Twice The Size of the Statue of Liberty

From the New York Times: "India Unveils Statue of Unity, World’s Tallest Statue and Twice the Size of Lady Liberty. The bronze Statue of Unity pays tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a leader of the Indian independence movement who helped wrest the country from British control."

Impressive, but I do like ours much better.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

"Anti-Semitism is exterminationist"

To my relief, Dennis Prager's column finally explains the difference between a hate crime and the slaughter of Jews: "...while there is no difference between the murder of Christians at a church and the murder of Jews in a synagogue with regard to the loss of life and the suffering of loved ones, there is something unique about the murder of Jews for being Jews: Anti-Semitism is exterminationist. Anti-Semites don’t just want to persecute, enslave, or expel Jews; they want to kill them all."

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Lots 'o Links

Here's the usual excellent reading roundup courtesy of Larwyn's Linx, Maggie's Farm, and Betsy's Page!

Antisemitic Terrorism Attack in Pittsburgh Synagogue

Here we go again: "At least six people are dead and several more are wounded — including four police officers — after a mass shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood Saturday morning."

This is not "mental illness", it's the oldest hatred. Put armed guards at all synagogues right now before copycats and other publicity-seekers decide to get into the news as well.  Stop the political correctness, get rid of the ridiculous gun-free zones, and get much tougher now!

Andy Blumenthal writes: "On this Shabbat there is not life in that holy house of worship, but another familiar Jewish massacre from a gunman screaming,  'All the Jews need to die!'
But why the Jews, what have we done to anyone?
This bloody raving lunatic thought we, the Jews, are in control of President, the country, and of course, are to blame for all its problems–as usual, the Jews are the ever-convenient and all-purpose scapegoat.
But who are we–men, women, and children that just want to live our lives with respect and dignity, to worship the L-rd in freedom, to take care of our dear families and communities, to contribute in every way to the good of society.
Why do they keep coming to hate on us and to kill us?"

Daniella Levy in Israel says, "Yes, of course I’m afraid.I’m afraid in Gush Etzion. I’m afraid in New York. I’m afraid in Jerusalem. I’m afraid in Barcelona. I’m afraid everywhere. Nowhere is safe.
I just can’t let that fear be the deciding factor when choosing where and how to live my life.
Jews have had reason to live in fear for thousands of years, in every place we’ve been. That hasn’t stopped us from becoming the most successful and influential minority in the history of humankind.
If I’m going to die for the crime of being Jewish, I’d rather it be in my historic homeland, where the national holidays are my holidays, where the national flag bears my symbol, where every hill and valley has a story from the Bible attached to it."

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Political Mail Bombers

I hope the terrorist(s) responsible for the recent spate of pipe bombs is caught soon and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and before any of the bombs actually explode and kill the recipients.

We can see the targets are obviously people and politicians that Trump dislikes. But can CNN stop showing pictures of Trump whenever they talk about the case? He's not the bomber. Whoever it is, it's timed to affect the midterms; and it's either a deranged Republican, or else a Democrat making it look like a Republican. Just find this maniac and use the seriousness of the crimes to force a return to civility and unification before it's too late.

Monday, October 22, 2018

What a Difference Two Years Makes

Or, politics makes strange bedfellows.

Watching Ted Cruz endorse Trump at the rally tonight brought back the specter of Cruz refusing to endorse Trump at the convention -- and getting booed off the stage. But he's in the fight of his political life now against that Beto O'Rourke, and if he gets re-elected, he may have Trump to thank for it. He's an excellent speaker, and that's some one-two punch!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hello, Fellow Termites!

That contemptible old anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan continues to be obsessed with us Jews! In his latest diatribe, he called us "stupid" and "termites".  

Someone ought to reply by saying that he and his laughing, clapping followers are mindless and animals. 

He's 85 years old, and I bet even his last words will be anti-Jewish. 

Lots 'o Links

Here's some good reading to end the week: Maggie's Farm; Larwyn's Linx; and Betsy's Page.  And today I saw the above cartoon by Rick McKee at Jewish World Review.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Stop Illegal Immigration and Politically Correct Media Coverage

If we know in advance that a group of 1,500+ illegal immigrants from Honduras is determined to cross into the United States, why don't we put more ICE agents and police at the border to stop them? Why don't we drop or post leaflets now telling them that they and their children are not permitted to enter, and that the rights they claim to have don't exist? Why don't we have buses to bring them back there or to Mexico?  I thought we make the laws for our country, not them, so what's the problem (besides political correctness and the midterm elections)?

World's Oldest Barber

Here's a terrific story about Anthony Mancinelli and the work ethic that should put much younger people to shame: "Mr. Mancinelli is 107 and still working full time, cutting hair five days a week from noon to 8 p.m. He has been working in barbershops since he was 11. Warren Harding was in the White House."

I love people like this!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Argus Hamilton Quips

Here are two comments on the news from humorist Hamilton:

"Netflix announced that employees may not stare at each other for more than five seconds or it's sexual harassment. They have a five-second rule. I think it's fantastic that women have made so much progress, they now have the same rights as a sandwich you accidentally dropped on the floor."

"The Russian News Agency reports that the nuclear plant site Chernobyl has been successfully converted into a solar energy plant thirty-two years after the scary nuclear leak. They also built a Disneyland-like amusement park at the site. The difference is, the six-foot mouse at Chernobyl is real."

Lots 'o Links

Celebrate the end of the work week by catching up on all the news at Betsy's Page, Larwyn's Linx, and Maggie's Farm!

Free advice: never try to take your "emotional support squirrel" on a plane.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Filling Nikki Haley's Shoes

Having a pro-Israel U.N. Ambassador like Nikki Haley has been a blessing, so the news of her resignation was a blow.  Let's just hope Trump can manage to find a new Ambassador who is as gifted and as respected.

The Times of Israel says, "At the United Nations, Haley didn’t simply defend Israel and its government, she led a game change: On her watch, support for Israel became a with or against us proposition."

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Apologizing for Admiring Churchill

Scott Kelley may have been an astronaut, but he's not half the man Winston Churchill was! It was definitely not his finest hour.

Monday, October 08, 2018

A Star is Born: Judy Garland

Forget Lady Gaga. If you want a truly great performance, see the 1954 version of "A Star is Born" and watch Judy Garland's performance of "The Man That Got Away." With lyrics by Ira Gershwin and music by Harold Arlen, it's just electrifying no matter how many times you see it.

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Beautiful Music

When the world has gone mad, you can always feel better by listening to some nice music. I heard this piece for the first time today and thought it was either Ralph Vaughan Williams or Holst.  Instead, it's Hymn and Fuguing tune #10", for oboe and strings, by Henry Cowell.

Lots 'o Links

Visit these blogs for great posts every day: Betsy's Page, Larwyn's Linx, and Maggie's Farm!

Bonus: here's Ann Coulter's sarcastic take on the entire anti-Kavanaugh campaign.

Can you just imagine the rioting that will ensue when the judge's confirmation is announced? It'll be a repeat of the lawlessness & window-smashing that took place after Hillary Clinton's defeat. Also, I predict that the lying accuser will write a book, and that there's probably a made-for-TV movie in the works.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

An Opportunity for the Enemy

While our entire country seems to be focused solely on the disgracefully-maligned Judge Kavanaugh in a manner more suitable for the Jerry Springer or Maury Povich sleaze shows, what's to stop our enemies from taking advantage of our laxness and committing terrorist attacks against us?

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Sound Familiar?

"Charges against four California dentists -- including three brothers -- accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman at a Las Vegas Strip resort were dropped after cellphone video showed the allegations were 'completely fabricated,' one of the men's attorney said."

Yes, but the damage to their reputations has already been done.

If You Believe in Idiocy, Clap Your Hands!

Unbelievable:  "A student union has ditched clapping, whooping and cheering in favour of 'jazz hands'. Reps at the University of Manchester voted to replace noisy appreciation with the British Sign Language (BSL) equivalent - a wave of both hands. Union officer Sara Khan said traditional clapping can cause issues for students with autism, sensory issues or deafness. But the move was criticised by some who accused students of being 'pampered'.

You wonder how today's perpetually offended adults ever manage in the workplace, if they work at all.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Dem Hypocrisy

Check out this Howie Carr column titled Treat Brett Kavanaugh as good as illegal alien criminals.

I also enjoyed this part:
"On Thursday, after Sen. Lindsey Graham went ballistic on the nonsense allegations against Kavanaugh, Teddy Kennedy’s niece, Maria Shriver, tweeted this out:
'Oh my god. This is every woman’s nightmare. This is a terrifying image.'
Ted Kennedy’s niece said that. You can imagine the response. This was one of my favorites:
'Just asked my wife. She said being left to drown in a car like your uncle did to Mary Jo Kopechne is a bigger nightmare than being yelled at by Lindsey Graham.'
Come to think of it, probably so is having your politician husband knock up the maid at your mansion in L.A.
Brett Kavanaugh asks for no special treatment. He just wants to be treated like an illegal immigrant sex offender … or Arnold Schwarzenegger or any of his Kennedy in-laws."

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mercifully Amusing Question of the Day

"Don't You Hate It When a Seal Slaps You in the Face With an Octopus?"

Lots 'o Links

The little I watched of the hearings today was enough to make me physically ill and even more outraged. The hostility of the Democrats towards Kavanaugh was infuriating.  Every Republican has got to come out and vote Republican on November 6. Do you really want Democrats like these in control of the House?

When all this is finally over, can Kavanaugh sue these "accusers", the Democrats, and the media for slander & libel? I hope so.

Meanwhile, here are the latest news roundups from Larwyn's Linx, Betsy's Page, and Maggie's Farm, with a bonus from Pajamas Media's Live Blog.

Also, does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse rape hoax? Just wondering.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Tawana Brawleyization of Politics

It's gotten to the point where I can't even watch the news or look at the online headlines. These people seem to be suffering from mass hysteria. Now it's gang rape.  Will the next woman accuse Kavanaugh of murder?

Remember Tawana Brawley, the liar everyone believed had been kidnapped and gang-raped by a group of white men that included the prosecutor? That's what this reminds me of. It's just beyond appalling.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Lots 'o Links

It's almost the end of the work week, and that must mean it's time for some terrific reading courtesy of Larwyn's Linx, Betsy's Page, and Maggie's Farm!

Bonus: Here's a nice tribute to Freddie Oversteegen, a courageous woman who fought with the Dutch resistance against the Nazis.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dregs of America, Unite!

I may be deplorable, despicable, and the dregs of society, but I'm also a staunch Republican who can no longer pretend to tolerate the ultraliberal, crazy ways of the Democrats and their over-the-top Trump hatred.

Here's just one example that shows how differently liberals and conservatives think. "This story never seems to end. There are, apparently, doctors accepting cases of underage female children who 'identify' as males and performing double mastectomies on them to avoid the trauma of developing breasts." Somehow, more than half the population seems to think things like this are normal and acceptable!

The rush to stop the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh makes me wonder: if he isn't confirmed, or if he is forced to withdraw his nomination, won't Trump just name another conservative judge? And will the Democrats oppose that candidacy too, and the next, and the next? It's like how they want to impeach Trump, but that means they will get Pence. 

I just don't get it.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Terrific Food Safety Tip

I'd never heard this one before, but it will sure come in handy from now on after power failures!

"North Carolina resident Sheila Pulanco Russell shared this tip on Facebook in 2016. But in the wake of devastating storms, it bears repeating.

Here’s how it works: Place a cup of water in your freezer. Once it’s frozen solid, put a quarter on top of it and leave it in your freezer. When you get home, if the quarter is where you left it, your food is safe to eat. If the quarter has fallen, it's a signal that the frozen water has thawed and it's best to toss everything."

Lots 'o Links

Instead of watching non-stop, 24-hour coverage of Hurricane Florence, how about reading the posts at Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, and Betsy's Page?

Other topics:

Here's the moronic statement of the week: "It’s been so hard to hire people that he’d ‘welcome’ an economic slowdown, admits Indiana business owner."  Fine. The economic slowdown ought solely to be at his company!

Moronic morons of the week: "Inmates eat/smoke Raid & RoachMotel to get high."  Do you care? I certainly don't. But it should make the finals of the Darwin Awards.

John Kerry. Need I say more?

Anita Hill 2: The Democrats must be desperate. How convenient that some unnamed woman has accused Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct..from when he was in high school! Like the person who wrote the anonymous op-ed, she should be named and she should face the man she's accusing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


President George W. Bush, September 11, 2001: "A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil -- the very worst of human nature -- and we responded with the best of America."

In case you've forgotten the horrors of that day, here's a timeline:

7:58 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston for Los Angeles,

carrying 56 passengers, two pilots, and seven flight attendants. The

Boeing 767 is hijacked after takeoff and diverted to New York.

7:59 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for Los

Angeles, carrying 81 passengers, two pilots, and nine flight

attendants. This Boeing 767 is also hijacked and diverted to New York.

8:01 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 38

passengers, two pilots, and five flight attendants, leaves Newark, N.J.,

for San Francisco.

8:10 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington's

Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles, carrying 58 passengers,

two pilots, and four flight attendants. The Boeing 757 is hijacked

after takeoff.

8:46 a.m. - American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the North

Tower at the World Trade Center.

9:03 a.m. - United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the South

Tower at the World Trade Center.

- U.S. Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New

York area airports.

9:21 a.m. - Bridges and tunnels leading into New York City

are closed.

9:25 a.m. - All domestic flights are grounded by U.S. Federal

Aviation Administration.

9:45 a.m. - American Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon.

10:05 a.m. - The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.

10:05 a.m. - The White House is evacuated.

10:10 a.m. - A large section of one side of The Pentagon collapses.

10:10 a.m. - United Flight 93 crashes in a wooded area in

Pennsylvania, after passengers confront hijackers.

10:28 a.m. - The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.

And in case you don't remember what that day looked like, click here.  And don't you dare forget it, either.

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2001

From the New York Post, here's some of what was being reported on September 10, 2001, before our complacency ended:
Rice Opens Raider Run With Win Vs. Chiefs
'Largest Poll Out There' Gives Mark 8-Point Lead
Arab Thugs Kill Seven on 'Bloody Sunday'
Harry  Potter's Lost Nude Scene

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Tower of Voices

Look at and listen to the wind chimes in the Tower of Voices, memorializing the heroes of Flight 93 at Shanksville. "The 40 chimes, [architect Paul Murdoch]  says, symbolize the voices of the 40 passengers and crew members, many of whom called their loved ones after the plane was hijacked."

If not for their heroism and sacrifice in preventing the terrorists from flying into the U.S. Capitol on September 11, we would be living in a much different country today. It's frightening to imagine the death toll and the consequences had they succeeded.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Lots 'o Links

Here's more good reading material from Maggie's Farm, Liz Sheld, Larwyn's Linx, and Betsy's Page.

Here's a good line from Ron Ross at The American Spectator: "Donald Trump’s Real Crime: Obstruction of Liberalism."

(Cartoon by the great Michael Ramirez as seen at today)

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

"Sleeper Cells" in the White House

Think of the implications of the phrase "sleeper cells",  which usually refers to terrorists:  "One former White House official said they were flabbergasted by the op-ed. 'I used to laugh when certain Trump supporters would fret about anti-Trump ‘sleeper cells’ within the government,' said the former White House aide. 'But I can’t come up with a better term than that to describe the author of the NYT op-ed.'"

Here's the real collusion - a well-organized resistance to the legitimate presidency of Donald Trump. What next, a coup? Just try it!

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Lots 'o Links

For your Labor Day weekend reading, visit Betsy's Page, Larwyn's Linx, Maggie's Farm, American Digest, and Liz Sheld.

There were so many touching scenes this week during the services for John McCain. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that a president had died. You wonder what things would be  like today had he been elected in 2008.

As September 11 Approaches

There's this PC embarrassment: "A group of conservative students at Ripon College have been told their 9/11 'Never Forget' posters violate the school’s bias policy, citing the fact that its imagery is exclusively focused on Islamic terrorism." 

Excuse me, but what should it focus on? 

I hope students and every other American will finally stop kowtowing to stupidity, stop erasing history, and continue to fly their flags and display their "Never Forget" posters in remembrance of that terrible day. 

Over The Moon

To these idiots who want to censor American history: don't you think that if the Soviets had gotten to the moon first, they would have planted their flag there?

Skip the Ryan Gosling movie and see these excellent documentaries instead: For All Mankind, and The Race to the Moon.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

John McCain, War Hero

I was sorry to hear about the death of John McCain. I voted for him in 2008, but it's as a POW that I mainly think about him, remembering how he decided to remain a prisoner rather than be released early. That's the definition of courage and sacrifice.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dog vs.Opera

I love this story from WQXR:  "How much Verdi is too much Verdi? According to lawmakers in the Slovakian town of Štúrovo, the answer is approximately 5.6 million minutes. Yes, you read that correctly. Frustrated by the barking of a neighbor’s dog, a woman only identified as Éva N. took to blasting a four-minute aria from Il Trovatore, nonstop, from morning till night ... for 16 years. Even though the pet eventually died, Eva kept it up until she was detained by police and charged with, according to the BBC, 'harassment and malicious persecution.' If convicted, she’s looking at six months to three years of jail time. Your call on whether or not that’s a bit harsh. Needless to say, neighbors are relieved. In the BBC’s report, one woman told a Hungarian news outlet, 'I love Plácido Domingo, but not like this!'"

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

No Sympathy for Nazis

Good riddance:  "At the order of President Donald Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents removed 95-year-old Jakiw Palij from his Queens, New York, home on Monday.
Justice Department officials say Palij served as an armed guard at a death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland and later lied to American immigration officials about his role in those atrocities when he entered the U.S. after the war.  ABC News was there when Palij was removed by wheelchair from his home on Monday, but he did not answer any questions. Looking frail with missing front teeth visible through his white beard, the only noise he made was a pained howl as agents hoisted him from his wheelchair onto the ambulance stretcher."

Tsk, tsk. Yet another case of a Nazi having the opportunity to reach a very old age, and right here in our country, while the victims he helped murder never got that chance. Frail and howling? He should first suffer, along with the other Nazis still unfortunately alive!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Yiddish Lesson

This is what we can use more of today, per Harold Ticktin's Yiddish Vinkl column: "menschlichkeit, graciousness, good manners; literally acting like a human being."

Lots 'o Links

Start off the weekend with these news and culture roundups from Betsy's Page, Maggie's Farm, Larwyn's Linx, and Liz Sheld's Morning Brief.

Let's face it: the left can't stand us, and they don't think much of our country, either. I'm going to stop pretending that we can all reason together, because we just don't have that much in common any more.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Pooped Out

Is this obsession with, and encouragement of, public defecation and urination the latest leftist fad? Every day there's another story about this disgusting, unsanitary habit. Today alone I saw the news of a school superintendent, urinals in the open in Paris, and San Francisco city workers called Poop Patrols forced to clean up the revolting mess left by homeless bums. Isn't that amusing? Why aren't these pigs being forced to clean up their own mess? Maybe when people start getting sick from these nauseating conditions, someone will take it more seriously as the unacceptable health risk it is.

More Interesting Links

Read Let's Review 112: Of Chicken Diapers and “I denounce myself being Black!” over at American Digest, and Loose Ends 41 at Powerline. It's always fun to come across things like this during my lunch break.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

United We Stand Against Jeremy Corbyn

Here's a real show of solidarity against anti-Semitic politics. From World Jewish Daily: All three U.K. Jewish newspapers, normally fierce competitors, published the same front-page editorial on the danger posed by the antisemitic Labour party and its Jew-hating leader Jeremy Corbyn.  'We do so because of the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government,' stated the editorial."

The National Review doesn't mince words in its headline: Jeremy Corbyn, Anti-Semite. Julie Lenarz writes,  "Corbyn would not be where he is today without his league of faithful minions, who will go to any length to explain away what is right there in plain sight — Corbyn’s long history of apathy toward anti-Semites." Imagine what Winston Churchill, with his marvelous use of language, would have had to say about this villain!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Argus Hamilton Quips

I liked these comments on world events by humorist Hamilton:

"Venezuela's socialist economy fell apart on Tuesday just as newly-elected Democratic House members were urging primary candidates to back higher taxes, Medicare for all and free college. It seems every generation has to learn the same lesson. A sardine is a whale after ten years of socialism."  

"The New York Times ran an editorial calling for the elimination of the Constitution saying it's anti-democratic. New York liberals need to make up their minds. In the morning, they say minorities are oppressed by the document because it was written by conservative white men, then in the evening they pay eight hundred dollars a ticket to give Hamilton a standing ovation for writing it."

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Lots 'o Links

Here are the latest posts from Maggie's Farm, Betsy's Page, Larwyn's Linx, and Liz Sheld's Live Blog.

And here's a story that shouldn't surprise anyone. It demonstrates again the lengths these radical Muslims will go to to kill Americans:  "The man arrested at a squalid New Mexico compound is the son of a controversial Brooklyn imam who was on a list of people who 'may be alleged as co-conspirators' to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, according to court documents released by prosecutors Wednesday...Authorities found 11 children and four adults living in 'filthy' conditions at the compound Saturday in Amalia, New Mexico. Prosecutors also alleged in court documents that Wahhaj, 39, was teaching the children to commit school shootings." Get these terrorists out of our country, now!

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Some Interesting Items

American Thinker points out the difference between leftwing mobs and leftwing protesters in this column: "According to a quick dictionary check, a mob is a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. In other words, a mob is not a group of people having a serious disagreement over policy.  A mob is not into seriousness, but rather causing trouble.  A mob wants to punch your face rather than hear your opinion.

Here's Let’s Review 110: Straws In the Wind, the latest link roundup over at American Digest.

Get a load of this headline:  Saudis Threaten Canada With Another 9/11 Amid Diplomatic Crisis. Note that the diplomatic crisis doesn't involve Trump or America; instead, it involves the liberal boy wonder, Justin Trudeau. Our media must be so disappointed!

Monday, August 06, 2018

Harry Gave 'Em Hell, August 6, 1945

If you're one of those people who think America was somehow evil for dropping the bomb on Japan, then read this article titled No Choice: Why Harry Truman Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan: "Imagine if Truman had decided to hold back. The war ends, with yet more massive bloodshed, probably at some point in 1946. Truman at some point reveals the existence of the bomb, and the president of the United States explains to thousands of grieving parents and wounded veterans that he did not use it because he thought it was too horrible to drop on the enemy, even after a sneak attack, a global war, hundreds of thousands of Americans killed and wounded in two theaters, and years of ghastly firebombing. Seventy years later, we would likely be writing retrospectives on 'the impeachment of Harry S. Truman.'"

Friday, August 03, 2018

Lots 'o Links

End your busy week with some good reading at Larwyn's Linx, Betsy's Page, and Maggie's Farm!

Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish discusses San Francisco and its filth and ridiculous bans:  "During the Gold Rush, legend had it that the streets of San Francisco were paved with gold. These days they’re layered with human waste after the socialist city legalized public urination and defecation. A bag of 20 pounds of human waste was deposited on the street. Urine corroded a pole so badly that it fell on a car almost killing the driver. But don’t think that you can get away with anything in San Francisco.
San Francisco decriminalized public defecation, but criminalized plastic straws. While bench warrants for public urination are discarded, the straw fines are real and expensive. A California statewide bill goes further with a threat of six months in the county jail for giving a man a straw. When drugs are legal and straws aren’t, the Mexican cartels will soon switch to smuggling drinking straws into California." 

I guess only liberals and Democrats must understand the logic of this insanity.