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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Democrat Threaten Boycott of Netanyahu Address: Disgraceful, but Typical

Despicable and embarrassing, yet not surprising.

From The Hill:

Momentum grows behind Democratic boycott of Netanyahu speech 

"A growing chorus of House Democrats say they’re planning to steer clear of next month’s speech by Benjamin Netanyahu before a joint meeting of Congress, arguing that the Israeli prime minister’s handling of the Hamas war — and his repeated snubbing of President Biden’s preferred approach to the conflict — demand a show of protest from liberals on Capitol Hill. 

"Some Democrats had foreshadowed the boycott earlier in the year amid speculation that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) was poised to invite Netanyahu to the Capitol to push back against Democratic criticisms of the conservative Israeli leader. With the invitation now official, and the speech set for July 24, more and more progressive Democrats are emerging with a formal declaration of their own: We won’t be there."


Good riddance to them! At least Netanyahu will see who his real friends on, and not so-called "allies" like Biden and Blinken who have blackmailed, threatened, attacked, betrayed, and interfered with Netanyahu's response to the Hamas October 7 massacre.  Biden's "preferred approach" is insisting on Israel committing national suicide.

So I'm happy to look forward to cheers and friendship from Republicans rather than jeers and hatred from Democrats including the antisemites of The Squad.

Still, you can be sure the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish terrorists will be committing vandalism, attacks, and riots around the Capitol; and there should be a large National Guard presence that day to protect Jews and pro-Israel supporters to prevent worse offenses than we've already seen in New York and elsewhere.

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