The viroterrorist pictured above has been identified. And, to make the story even more bizarre, it turns out that "the father-in-law of the 31-year-old man under federal quarantine with a rare and dangerous form of tuberculosis is one of the leading TB researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, FOX News has learned. Dr. Robert Cooksey, who is a research microbiologist in the CDC's Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, confirmed to FOX News that he is the father-in-law of Andrew Speaker, a personal-injury lawyer who practices in his father's law firm in Atlanta." Now, some are already claiming that this entire story is a hoax, as if that makes any difference. If it IS a hoax, I'm sure all the passengers who have had to get TB tests are not amused. And you can be sure that this TB spreader's law firm doesn't think it's very funny. We'll be hearing too many excuses and dismissive explanations as the days go by.