Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Monday, August 04, 2008

Initial Reaction

Greg Crosby has another enjoyable column. Among other things, he talks about the dopey nicknames for people, like A-Rod and J-Lo:
"But this shortening of people's names by using initials business throws me. How come some stars are immune from this? Why isn't Tom Cruise referred to as T Cru? How come they don't call Courtney Love C Lo? Or Christian Bale C Ba? Humphrey Bogart would be H Bog. John Wayne would be J Way. Katherine Hepburn would be K Hep. Elvis Presley would be E Pre. Bing Crosby would be B Cro. So maybe it really is a Latin thing. But if it is, then why haven't we been referring to other Latinos and Latinas in the same way all along? Like Desi Arnaz as D Arn. Carmen Miranda as C Mir. Ricardo Montalban as R Mon. Pancho Villa as P Vi. And Fidel Castro as F Cas."

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