Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Return to Responsibility"

I came across this very good letter to the editor at the Orange County Register:
"Return to responsibility. As I watched the inauguration I thought to myself that this great country of ours has withstood just about all the change that it can stand. Instead of change I would like to hear our leaders promise to return to a time when it was against the law to use profanity in front of women and children instead of now when our women and children use profanity like the drunken sailor of old. I would like to return to a time when I didn't have to punch a number to speak my own language and when TV programs and motion pictures didn't make you squirm if you watched them with your children. I would like to return to a time when you earned your credit score by paying your bills on time each and every month instead of having the federal government back your loan because you haven't. But most of all I would like to return to a time when there weren't so many people with their hands out hoping that someone else will fill them. Jack Luster, San Juan Capistrano"

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