Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Greedy Garbage of the Day

It's an insult to use the word "mother" to describe this inhuman, greedy British creature, who faked her son's illness in order to collect disability:
"A mother claimed £130,000 in benefits for her son by pretending he was disabled in a six-and-a-half year deceit during which she kept him wheelchair bound and convinced doctors he was so unwell they should operate on him."
To fake your own illness for money is bad enough; to ruin your own child's like this way is unforgivable. As punishment, she should have done to her what she did to him. (Oh, but that would be too 'cruel and unusual', wouldn't it?)

1 comment:

U. Ville said...

It's called Munchausen syndrome by proxy.