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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wasting Away Again in Weinerville

Now they're saying that Anthony Weiner tweeted compromising photos of himself in the House gym! Can you just imagine the reaction if a Republican had committed such a breach of Congressional etiquette? Celebrity Rehab, anyone? "Anthony Weiner's future could be in TV: 'The Spitzer/Weiner Hour' would pair two New York hound dogs."  We definitely need a new cable network called Shameless TV for the endless stream of has-been celebrity 'addicts', desperate housewives, Kardashians, teen 'mothers', Maury Povich-type tell-all show participants, etc.

The difference between the excuse-making for Weiner, and the continuing vilification of Sarah Palin, is amazing. Yes indeed, her e-mails prove she's a danger to the country.

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