Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Monday, August 31, 2020

A Grim Milestone: 6 Million COVID cases in U.S.

There's that grim figure again: 6 million. 6 million Jews murdered, 6 million Americans infected.

From CNN:  "Just over seven months ago, no one in theUS had a confirmed case of Covid-19. On Monday, the US topped 6 million casesof coronavirus, which has killed over 183,000 people and left many young adults with long-term problems.  Why it's time to double down on masks and distancing." 

Why not triple down, since the offenders are obviously not listening and not caring. Plus, they are already vowing not to get flu shots or any COVID vaccine. Now that's great  personal responsibility for you.

(Poster by Greg Traverso. See article at the Washingtonian magazine.)

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