Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Life in the Time of Coronavirus - for Those Over 60

I saw an important article today at MarketWatch - but then, everything about COVID-19 makes important reading.  Here's an excerpt:

"Life will never be the same for people over 60— even with a COVID-19 vaccine 

"These are the likely long-term impacts on gatherings, travel, eating, medicine, home life and even public restrooms"

'Before COVID-19, baby boomers — those born after 1945 but before 1965 — felt reassured that with all the benefits of modern medicine, they could live for years and years,' said Dr. Mehrdad Ayati, who teaches geriatric medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and advises the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging. 'What we never calculated was that a pandemic could totally change the dialogue.'


'One of the most disastrous places you can go into is a public restroom,' Poland said. 'That’s about the riskiest place.'"

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