Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Monday, September 21, 2020

The CDC: The Complete Disgrace Center

I did a double-take of disbelief today upon seeing this headline in the Washington Post's newsletter:

"CDC removes statement on airborne virus transmission, claiming website error. The agency had posted new guidelines suggesting the virus can transmit over a distance larger than six feet and that indoor ventilation is key to protection against its spread. This is a point that many independent experts have also been advancing, and it had appeared that the agency had come around to their point of view.
But the guidelines were removed late this morning because 'that does not reflect our current state of knowledge,' a top CDC official said."

"Website error", is it? Do they actually think anyone is buying that?

It's hard to believe that this is the same CDC that was once so trustworthy and respected. This alone is helping to destroy its reputation. How can anyone trust them again?

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