Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Saturday, May 27, 2023

China in Denial

Reading this New York Times article about COVID in China, I found it obvious that the Chinese people are either believing the propaganda or are in as much denial as the Americans are:

The authorities say that cases are up, and one doctor estimates that there could soon be 65 million cases a week. But China appears determined to move on.

65 million cases per week! But here are some of the reactions of the people: “Many of my friends got infected last year and got infected again this year,” Mr. Lin said. “Personally, I’m pretty calm about the virus and pandemic.” and “Most people have recognized from their own experience that Covid is not a monster and is not so terrifying, and that’s actually positive,” [Professor Jin] said. “But it is not true that Covid is gone and will never come again, so this message also has to be made clear to the public.”

Obviously that message has not been clear to the public, or the public just doesn't care -- just like the American public. And as in America, it's the elderly and ill who are concerned the most, and who have had to sacrifice the most.

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