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Monday, May 22, 2023

Crime Scene at Sobibor

The Times of Israel has a fascinating and infuriating article about the Nazis' attempts to cover up its atrocities, predicting the Holocaust-denial to come. Read "At Sobibor, a filmmaker unearths Nazi Germany’s attempts to cover up its crimes; Producer Gary Hochman’s ‘Deadly Deception at Sobibor’ depicts how gas chamber ruins and 70,000 artifacts were found at the death camp where approximately 250,000 Jews were murdered."

“'This is one of the first examples of Holocaust denial and distortion perpetrated by the Nazis,' said Hochman, a veteran documentary filmmaker for public television and managing director of Changing Minds Productions, based in Connecticut. 'There is a good reason why most people never heard of Sobibor,' Hochman told The Times of Israel."

“'Each object found represents a voice silenced by the Nazi factory of death that states, ‘I was here’ and ‘this is what happened.’ That is what’s important about video documentation,' said Hochman."

I can just hear today's anti-semites and Holocaust-deniers claiming that not only the Holocaust, but the results of this archeological work are just a hoax.

These evil, hate-filled Nazis will haunt our lives forever.

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