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Monday, November 13, 2023

Antisemitic Episodes up 818% -- in the Netherlands alone!

Antisemitic incidents in the Netherlands have risen a staggering 818% since Hamas massacred Israelis on October 7.

Makes perfect  sense,  doesn't it?

What continues to amaze me is how the pogrom against Jews has all been forgotten, and somehow it has been turned into "Israel's War on Gaza". 

Per European Jewish Press:

"Schools in particular have seen a disturbing number of anti-Semitic displays. For example, a Jewish boy at school was threatened with a knife and hit on the head with a bottle, with the perpetrators calling the boy a 'cancer Jew'. An Israeli girl hears from two classmates, 'If there is a cancer Jew in this school, I am going to shoot him, I don’t want that kind in school here.' Naming ‘cancer Jew’ and making Hitler salutes has taken place at several schools, as well as harassment and swearing in WhatsApp conversations and personal messages on social media.

"Jewish organizations and individuals have been assailed with anti-Semitic emails and private messages such as  'As to be expected from hypocritical Jews, the hospital in Gaza has been bombed. What a disgusting people you are' or 'Especially with a past as Holocaust survivors, you should know better, but you are no better.' Similar incidents take place by phone, calling with regularity that Hitler should have finished his work.

”Although we saw an increase in anti-Semitic incidents during previous periods of conflict, it was never as significant as it is now. It is very worrisome that Jews in the Netherlands are held responsible for conflicts taking place in the Middle East. It seems as if Israel is being used to bash Jews. Old conspiracy theories are being recycled and are back from never happening,’’ said CID (Center of Information and Documentation Israel), a Dutch-Jewish watchdog based in The Hague."

The fact that children are parroting such sickening antisemitic remarks shows they are learning this at home from their parents; at school from their teachers; and on their cell phones. Jew-haters are experts at manipulating the press, and from the vile response of hundreds of thousands of appeasers and collaborators, it proves they are successfully spreading old antisemitic messages and making it seem trendy to their receptive and gullible audience.

As a child in the early 60s, I would be chased home by kids who yelled "You killed Christ!".  This was before cell phones and 24-hr cable news, so this was as bad as it got for me. But now, like all Jews, I am very fearful.

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