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Monday, November 06, 2023

Melanie Phillips: "Goodbye to All That"

The photo mentioned below.

"Goodbye to all that" is another brilliant column by Melanie Phillips
, about how the Pro-Hamas collaborators are already destroying the United Kingdom's historic and touching Remembrance Weekend observances in honor of those who died serving their country.

To paraphrase lawyer Joseph M.Welch's response to red-baiter Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy: '"Until this moment. I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.  You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

Obviously, the Pro-Hamas, antisemitic hordes have no sense of decency at all, because their actions are threatening a moving ceremony to honor the war dead. How can a country so honor their dead while disrespectful, screaming, intimidating, enraged mobs threaten the peace and beauty of these days?

In her column, she writes:

"The picture below surely has to be one of the saddest and most telling illustrations of the state of Britain today.

"What you are looking at is a table set up on Saturday in London’s Charing Cross station, where people could buy poppies to be worn as a lapel pin in the days leading up to Remembrance Weekend in a few days’ time. That’s when the country commemorates British service members who have died in two world wars and other military conflicts since the onset of World War I.

"The group selling the poppies are typical of the British people for whom this weekend is a solemn rite of collective memory, an affirmation of the supreme sacrifice that so many have made to defend the nation and its values.

"But surrounding them are the ugly faces of the new Britain, those who have poured onto the streets in their tens of thousands to bellow their support for the annihilation of  Israel and the murder of Israeli Jews — people who call the genocide of Israeli Jews 'resistance' and Israel’s resistance 'genocide'.

"In London, the annual national service of remembrance will be held on Sunday when wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph by the Royal Family and political leaders, there is a two-minute silence and the Last Post is sounded.

"There is widespread anger and concern that this fifth anti-Israel, anti-Jewish display is to be allowed on the streets of London; there are fears that these mobs will desecrate the sanctity of either or both days over this Remembrance weekend.

"These demonstrations have not just been marked by the chanting of murderous slogans on the approved routes. The mobs have also turned the Tube, railway stations and other public spaces into a theatre of Islamic civilisational warfare, as you can see here, here, here, here, here and here.

"What has upset people so much is not just the murderous message of these demonstrations. It’s also the perception that Britain has become unrecognisable, with tens of thousands of people importing a foreign cause to produce menacing behaviour that is an affront to the rule of law and poses a particular threat to Jewish people, in flagrant disregard of public order laws and with the police unable or unwilling to stop it.

"What the government doesn’t seem to grasp is that these demonstrations aren’t just a protest about 'Palestine' but a jubilant display of Islamist supremacy over the UK, which is being fuelled by exultation over the murder of Israeli Jews and the supine UK response to these open calls for jihad and the associated show of Islamist strength. They represent an ecstatic escalation of the intended subjugation of Britain and the west."

Think of it: would YOU really want this obscenity to happen during our own Memorial Day observances?

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