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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Your Local Epidemiologist on Measles 1/16/24

In her January 16 newsletter, Dr  Katelyn Jetelina at Your Local Epidemiologist discusses Measles, trends, and collective amnesia. 

Some excerpts:

"Yesterday I got a Google News alert: 'Measles.'  Yes, measles. In the 21st century. At the height of winter. (Measles typically spreads in spring.) What’s going on?

     *Two active and unrelated measles outbreaks among unvaccinated people: Philadelphia and New Jersey
    *A Delaware children’s hospital on alert after an unvaccinated patient exposed 30 others
    *Two DC airports on alert for an unvaccinated, infected international traveler
    *An explosion of measles cases in the U.K. in the past month (255 cases)

"Measles is preventable. And, in the PA outbreak, one unvaccinated child went to daycare while infected, defying isolation. 

"Is there collective amnesia? Let’s fix it. As generations age, the memory of mid-20th-century diseases like measles fade. This is a blessing and a curse. Some don’t know why this disease is bad or if this vaccine is safe. This is understandable. The onus is on public health—we need to equip trusted messengers to start communicating, as measles is.

    The most contagious disease, with an infected person infecting an average of 12-18 others (assuming no immunity in the population). In some cases, a single person has infected hundreds of people.

    It’s not 'just a fever or a rash'. While most people who get measles will recover, it can harm the body in every way possible. Measles can wipe out a huge fraction of immune memory to other diseases, causing an increase in all-cause deaths.

    The risks of infection far outweigh the risks of the vaccine.

"Unfortunately, measles is off to a great start in 2024. We expect trends to increase. We need to heed the underlying warning. A laissez-faire approach to public health, on both sides, will not work."


Unfortunately, Americans are responding to measles the way they've been responding to COVID: by minimizing, gaslighting, and denying.  "It's just a fever or a rash" is the same for measles as "It's just a cold" is for COVID.

We're in big trouble.

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