Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Questions About the Rioting & Vandalism in Portland and Elsewhere

1. I am sick and tired of coming home from a long day at work to see more news about criminals looting, smashing, rioting, and attacking, especially in Portland. Don't these lowlives work? And if they somehow do have jobs, shouldn't they be fired?

2. If this were ISIS or some other foreign terrorist group committing such anarchy in our country, wouldn't we be putting a stop to it as quickly and as forcefully as possible? So why can't we do that with domestic terrorists like these?

3. If the rest of us are obeying "safe at home" orders, then why are these violent lawbreakers allowed to roam the streets and spread COVID-19? Do the so-called officials in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and other cities even remember that we're in the midst of a fatal pandemic?

(At least we now suspect the answer to the questions about why there was a fireworks shortage, and why cities were hearing loud fireworks across the country every night even before July 4.)

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