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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Openly Jewish -- And Obviously Not Welcome

Daniel Greenfield has posted at Frontpage News about this sickening occurence in the UK: 

You Are Quite Openly Jewish. This is a Pro-Palestinian March.” "I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.”

Maybe we Jews should wear the yellow star again, so we can be identified more easily by raving antisemites! 


"Ever since the failed Sunak government ousted Suella Braverman for telling the truth about the Met Police’s ‘Dhimming’, the evidence that the woke bobbies are pandering to terrorists and suppressing their opponents continues to grow.

"The Met Police banned the display of English flags

"Watched while the Union Jack was burned

"While defending the display of Swastikas at pro-Hamas rallies

"And then arrested Iranian protesters for signs denouncing Hamas

"While Hamas supporters have been able to call for Jihad, protesting them leads to public order arrests

"and then finally we can see the full implications of this policy:

"'You are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. I am not accusing you of anything, but I am worried about the reaction to your presence.'

"What else is there to say?

"A policy based on relentless pandering to Islam and the suppression of those who tell the truth about it or are simply patriotic leads to the inevitable outcome.

"Short step from there to….'You’re openly Jewish or Christian and London is now a Muslim city.'"


Mind you, that was a cop who made that remark to a man who was wearing a yarmulke and who had had hateful remarks hurled at him by the out-of-control pro-Hamas, anti-Jewish mobs!

All this does is make me more "openly Jewish" by defiantly wearing my IDF tag, my Star of David, my Stand With Israel bracelet, and so forth.  We're not going to let them bully us.

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