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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cruising With Betsy

Betsy has been cruising the web here and here, so you don't have to spend lots of time on the web yourself. Here's one of the interesting links that shows what the mainstream media doesn't report: 
Ron Radosh notes that Joe Klein has been traveling around the country talking to people that the media usually ignore. And he's been finding a lot of people who are upset about big government. And Klein seems to have learned a bit from actually sitting down and talking to those people showing up for tea party events.
     Anyway, what Klein finds is what concerns most people he met are not the contested social issues like abortion, evolution or immigration. Instead, he writes, the talk was 'all about too much government: too much governing regulation, too many people dependent on government.' One of the mayors complains to Klein about Social Security disability payment, which he says is giving drug addicts and drunks 'three times the amount my father-in-law does on Social Security retirement.' And another person tells him that children with ADD can get Social Security disability payments also. Says the woman: 'I don’t believe we have any legal or moral obligation to pay any money to people too drunk to work or lazy to work.'" 
Contrary to what the mainstream media would have you believe, it has nothing to do with "racism" or "the evil rich" -- we are simply just fed up with the nanny state and the entitlement mentality, and we want it to stop.

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