Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jesse Jackass

Jesse Jackson, Jr. says that 15 million unemployed Americans should be hired for $40,000 apiece! At Moonbattery, commenter Frank W. has a good proposal on what such jobs should involve: "
1. No welfare for 5 years after accepting federal employment.
2. 1 million new federal workers are to be employed in a six month project to build a pair of walls 25 feet tall separated by a 50 foot "kill zone" at the Mexico border. Walls will meet maximum security prison guidelines.
3. Workers will be assigned to a renovate Detroit (and other liberal cesspools) project. Abandoned, drug, and other types of substandard housing will be demolished and parkland installed.
4. Workers will be assigned to sweep highways / remove refuse from roadways.
5. Workers will NOT be allowed to join unions.
6. All wages are taxable as normal, no special deductions.
7. No contributions will be made to retirement plans from this jobs bank.
8. Jobs bank will be used to staff all unfilled jobs for private contractors.
9. Workers involved in this jobs bank will voluntarily rescind the right to vote for the length of their involvement + 2 years. – Conflict of interest policy
10. Workers will not be eligible for regular government employment outside the jobs bank for 5 years after leaving (military exception).
11. Workers can not have held public office at the Federal, State, county, Parrish, borough, city, township or any other levels for at least 2 years prior to entering jobs bank, and are voluntarily prohibited from running for office for 5 years after. – Conflict of interest policy."

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