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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lessons for The Entitlement Crowd

I love this description of the protesters by Marybeth Hicks.  In her terrific column, she lists five things their parents obviously never taught them, and they are as follows: "1. Life isn’t fair;  2. Nothing is 'free' ; 3. Your word is your bond;  4. A protest is not a party; and 5. There are reasons you haven’t found jobs. The truth? Your tattooed necks, gauged ears, facial piercings and dirty dreadlocks are off-putting. Nonconformity for the sake of nonconformity isn’t a virtue. Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work. If you are among that 4 percent, find a mirror and face the problem. It’s not them. It’s you."

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