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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Woman Who Isn't A 'Quiet Quitter'

Here's an excerpt from a wonderful Washington Post article by Cathy Free:

 Nurse began working at hospital during WWII and hasn’t stopped. She’s 97.

"Grace Carr was 17 when she left her family home in the coal town of Freeland, Pa., to pursue a dream she’d had since she was 5 years old.

“Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a nurse and work in a hospital,” said Carr, who as a child spent hours wrapping her dolls in bandages and taking their temperatures. “There was never any question that I would do anything else.”

"Eighty years later, Carr, now 97, is still at it, working exactly where she started: St. Luke’s Sacred Heart Campus in Allentown, Pa., about 60 miles from where she grew up.

"Although she retired from her nursing job at age 62, Carr continued as a volunteer at the hospital, and she now shows up every Wednesday to escort patients to their tests, deliver flowers to rooms and take specimens to the lab.

“From the time she shows up in the morning until she leaves in the afternoon, Grace always has the same happy smile,” said Beth Fogel, the hospital’s volunteer engagement specialist, who has known Carr for 20 years.

“She never shows any weariness and always has the same pep in her step,” she said. “Everyone loves talking to her.”

"Carr has logged more than 6,000 hours as a volunteer, taking only a few months off at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I love people, and my health is good, so I’m happy to do what I can,” she said. “If I didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t do it. I still look forward to coming in every Wednesday."


GenZ and other whiners would be well served to use Grace Carr as a role model.

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