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Thursday, August 01, 2024

No Justice For The September 11 Victims, No Consolation For Their Loved Ones

It looks like some people have forgotten. What devastating news for the loved ones of all those who died horribly on September 11, 2001!

This is just pathetic and disgraceful. If anyone ever deserved to be executed for their crimes, it's these barbarians. Instead, they have already lived 23 years longer than their victims.


9/11 mastermind KSM and two other terrorists awaiting trial on Guantánamo Bay strike plea deals 

"The alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks and two other terrorists being held in Guantánamo Bay will be spared the death penalty under a deal with prosecutors, it was revealed Wednesday.

"The announcement was a bitter pill to swallow for victims’ families who have anxiously awaited the conclusion of the case for nearly 24 years — many of whom felt death was the only appropriate punishment for the perpetrators of the heinous attacks.

"A spokesperson for the Office of Military Commissions (OMC), which is prosecuting the case, confirmed it had entered into pre-trial agreements with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the accused principal architect of the al Qaeda attacks — and two alleged co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, all of whom have been held at the US military prison on the coast of Cuba since 2003.

"In exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, these three Accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet,” said a letter signed by Rear Adm. Aaron C. Rugh, chief prosecutor for the OMC, and sent to victims’ families Wednesday.

"News that the death penalty was no longer on the table for the suspects — whose alleged actions killed nearly 3,000 in the worst terror attack on US soil in American history — came as a gut punch to victims’ families.

“I am very disappointed. We waited patiently for a long time. I wanted the death penalty — the government has failed us,” Daniel D’Allara, whose twin brother, John, was one of 23 NYPD cops killed the day of the attacks, told The Post.

"Retired police officer Jim Smith, husband of Moira Smith, the only female police officer who died on Sept. 11, said he felt like he had been “kicked in the balls.”

“The prosecution and families have waited 23 years to have our day in court to put on the record what these animals did to our loved ones. They took that opportunity away from us,” the anguished widower said.

“They committed the worst crime in the history of our country, they should receive the highest penalty.”

"Retired cop Kathy Vigiano, wife of NYPD Detective Joseph Vigiano, who was killed on 9/11, said: “I am angry and disappointed that enemy combatants who killed thousands of Americans in our homeland are now able to exploit the US judicial system to their benefit, receiving support from American taxpayers for shelter, food, and healthcare for the rest of their lives.”

"The guilty plea hearings — to charges including murder and conspiracy — could take place as early as next week, with the sentencing hearings expected sometime next summer, according to the letter obtained by The Post.

"The OMC letter revealed that the terror suspects have also agreed to respond to any questions the family members of victims have “regarding their roles and reasons for conducting the September 11 attacks.”

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