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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Just Say 'Nyet' to Harris Price Controls

"Price gouging"?  I haven't seen any supermarket price gouging. But what I have seen is big-time inflation caused by 4 years worth of disastrous Biden-Harris policies!

Even CNN is against her price controls 'solution':

From Fox News: Harris' price control plan will cause 'bread lines' and recreate 'The Walking Dead' economy: CNN commentator. 

"CNN commentator Scott Jennings said Friday that Vice President Harris' price control proposal will cause mass food shortages. 

"If you like bread lines, product shortages, black markets, hoarding, if you want to recreate the happy economic conditions of ‘The Walking Dead,’" Jennings said on Friday, "then Harris has a plan for you." 

"The Harris campaign announced on Wednesday that she would institute a "federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries" as president in an attempt to stop "big corporations" from taking advantage of consumers. On Friday, Harris spoke in Raleigh, North Carolina about her economic vision for the country. 

"There is no price gouging," he said. "Grocery stores, these things, they operate on very slim profit margins. There is no gouging. There is just inflation," the Republican strategist said.

"Jennings said that the plan was coming from a ticket that has "no private-sector experience and no interest whatsoever in taking responsibility for everything they have done to plunge the working-class of the United States of America into an economic crisis." 

"The commentator also responded to Harris' comments on high grocery prices and other economic difficulties. 

"First thing I saw was a searing indictment of the conditions in the country," Jennings said. "She was very effective at laying out just how hard hit the American people have been by the policies of the Biden-Harris agenda. I mean, inflation is the number one issue. Food prices, housing costs, the housing shortage, all of that is absolutely true."

 "And she and Joe Biden are in charge, and she has directly cast votes that have led to these conditions," Jennings said. "I don't know how she plans to separate herself from Joe Biden on this because everything she talked about today she has a direct hand in."  


Obviously her "economic vision" must be one of shortages and long lines, as seen in the old Soviet Union; as well as the lessons not learned when Nixon froze wages and prices. 

Just say "nyet" -- and vote Republican.

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