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Monday, August 12, 2024

Shameless Media Manipulation

I feel the same way David Strom does in his Sunday Smiles column at HotAir. I'm sure many people do, and he sums it up very well:

"I need to calm down because I am going insane watching history be completely rewritten in real time.

"If you read the news and watched the mainstream media tell the story, just six weeks ago the President of the United States Joe Biden was the best version ever, doing handstands while reciting Homer in Greek and driving his advisers to exhaustion by knowing more and quizzing them relentlessly about facts and policies he knew better than they. 

"Six weeks. 

"Now, the fact that Biden is president is almost completely memory-holed. I saw a version of his schedule earlier this week and there was only one thing on it, and that was meeting a winning sports team. Seriously.

"Kamala Harris was a drag on the ticket because, well, she is an idiot with the political instincts of a naked mole rat. She was Border Czar, opposed fracking, was 100% on board with Bidenomics, and the Democrats desperately needed to get rid of her. 

"Now she is a joyful warrior, the rebirth of Jack Kennedy and a Barack Obama-level political genius, and is all for a tough border. Every single policy position she ever took has been rejected and replaced with literally nothing--there is no policy section on her website--and the media is patiently waiting WEEKS to even speak with her because they are afraid that she will look like the idiot she is if she is asked a question. 

"The Associated Press even wrote an analysis that argued it was smart for Harris to avoid talking to the media. A media conglomerate wrote an approving article about avoiding talking to reporters. 

"I kid you not. It is insane. 

"Donald Trump was shot a month ago, and the media decided not to use the most iconic photo of the century, at least since 9/11, because it might help Trump. They have essentially memory-holed the entire assassination attempt, watched the Secret Service and the FBI commit PERJURY before Congress, avoid answering questions, give only one press conference on the matter. The media are happy as clams because writing about the attempt might help Trump. 

"There is massive evidence that something very, very hinky happened on July 13th and before--but nobody seems curious about it besides Republicans in Congress. 

"And now we learn that Tulsi Gabbard was put on the Terrorist Watch List, and the MSM, again, seems incurious. 

"After all, the media knows they have a role to play in saving democracy, and if it takes assassinating a presidential candidate and the Stasi suppressing dissent, they are all for it,"


There's more, but I felt vindicated just reading up to that point.  I think the name for this media blitz, besides 'gaslighting', is 'brainwashing'. Fortunately, smart people don't fall for it, while the gullible do. But the media has been so shameless that you just want to leave the TV off until after the election so you don't end up kicking it in.

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