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Friday, August 16, 2024

No Ceasefire. No Appeasement. No Guts.

An excerpt from Legal Insurrection: 

Gaza Ceasefire and Hostage Negotiations Paused as U.S. Continues to Pressure Israel. Hamas claims Israel’s Gaza counter-terrorism “operations were an obstacle to progress on a ceasefire.”

Posted by Vijeta Uniyal Friday, August 16, 2024

"With the latest round of hostage negotiations paused the Biden-Harris administration has come up with a ‘bridging proposal’ to pressure Israel into declaring a ceasefire in Hamas-infested Gaza.

"The Biden administration, backed by the Arab states of Egypt and Qatar, on Friday tabled a ‘bridging proposal’ aimed at finalizing an end to the Israeli military operation that began following the October 7 massacre.

“Earlier today in Doha, the United States with support from Egypt and Qatar, presented to both parties a bridging proposal that is consistent with the principles laid out by President Biden on May 31, 2024 and Security Council Resolution No. 2735,” the joint statement said. “This proposal builds on areas of agreement over the past week, and bridges remaining gaps in the manner that allows for a swift implementation of the deal.”

"The short-sighted proposal seems to ignore Israel’s security concerns as Hamas continues to regroup and rearm itself."


This endless pressure campaign against Israel continues to make me sick.  If anything, Biden/Blinken should be demanding the unconditional surrender of Hamas. Or are they catering to the pro-Hamas thugs at home, desperate to announce a "victory" during the Democrat National Convention?

Hamas are the instigators, the murderers, the Nazis who committed the October 7 atrocities and who have terrorized Israel for years. Why should Israel be victimized and traumatized any longer?

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