I never fail to be moved and awed by the military pomp and ceremony at Presidential funerals. As one of the network commentators reminded us, this same procedure is carried out every day for our soldiers, no matter what their rank.
The quiet respect from the public as they wait on line for hours for a seconds-long glimpse of the casket in the Rotunda; and the military traditions, precision, and discipline, all demonstrate America at her finest.
There's a beautiful slide show here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/galleries/061230/fordfuneral/index.html
The quiet respect from the public as they wait on line for hours for a seconds-long glimpse of the casket in the Rotunda; and the military traditions, precision, and discipline, all demonstrate America at her finest.
There's a beautiful slide show here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/galleries/061230/fordfuneral/index.html
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