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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Today's Blame-Bush Story

Last night Curtis Sliwa (The Guardian Angel) was on the radio filling in for Sean Hannity. It seems Sen. Charles Shumer and the NY Times are actually blaming Pres. Bush for this latest round of e Coli!
Taco Bell had originally been blamed, but there was no evidence it was their fault, so Sliwa, to restore Taco Bell's good name, has been deliberately eating tacos and scallions from there! Anyway, it turns out that lettuce is to blame for the e Coli.
For the best summing-up of the Bush-Bashing Phenomenon, read Lorie Byrd
The Benefits of Bush Bashing
In my Examiner column today I look at the benefits of Bush bashing. As we saw this week with Kofi Annan, you can say anything about President Bush, no matter how incredibly lacking your credibility is on a subject, as long as you sufficiently bash George Bush. Also, if you are a conservative, you can not only bash Bush while escaping scrutiny yourself, but you can also expect positive media attention (even fawning) that is ordinarily next to impossible for conservatives to receive.

The entire must-read analysis ishere.
You'll be nodding your head in agreement as you read it.

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