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Saturday, August 06, 2011

"Why is Barack Obama President of the United States?"

Stanley Kurtz asks:
"Why is Barack Obama president of the United States? Media coddling? A weak McCain campaign? A strong, if dishonest, effort by Obama to present himself as a pragmatic centrist? All of these things played a role, but the advent of the subprime crisis at the height of the 2008 presidential campaign was the decisive factor."
Why is he President? Because he's black; because he's a liberal darling; because Oprah Winfrey led her sheep to see him as the Messiah; because he has always had the media propaganda machine behind him to protect him; and because the American voters are morons!
This debt downgrade is the latest embarrassment and proves his incompetence (and of course it's a mistake by S&P, and not his fault!). It's outrageous to have as President at this moment a socialist who hates capitalism, and someone who encourages the people to be dependent on government. The Republicans had better get their act together quickly to avoid our being burdened with 4 more years of destruction. How much more of this can we take?

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