Hamas: The psychopathic and the soulless
By Lynne Lechter, 1/20.25
"All the lies came tumbling out today.
"Gazans are not starving!
"Biden made Israel provide food to Hamas needlessly. Why?
"If you watched the howling wall-to-wall mob in Gaza as three young, fragile female hostages were released, you saw a sea of very well-fed, well-dressed men, cowardly hiding behind masks. Where were the poor, starving masses? Nowhere.
"What kind of world makes the people who were viciously attacked feed and medically care for their attackers? How did Israel and Israelis bear it? Why did President Biden demand this depraved behavior, forcing Israel to provide care and comfort to their enemy?
"Forgive me, but I do not feel joy today. Of course, I am happy three young, innocent women were released. But I am grieving for the Israelis who are still held captive, for the dead Israeli bodies strewn throughout Gaza, and for all those butchered on October 7, 2023. The anguish is exacerbated by the knowledge that the world stood by, and/or looked the other way, and/or celebrated Israel’s problems.
"One of the three women had trouble walking. Clearly, something unspeakable happened to her. During the onset of the criminal assault, Hamas slit the heels of their victims to drastically reduce their ability to flee. Does that explain her disability? Another hostage lost two fingers from being shot during the attack—and the fresh bandages she needed showed that her wounds were never properly treated. For all you college students and other protestors, is this what you emulate: the physical attacks on unarmed citizens?
"This cannot be the end of this story. There has to be revenge: justice demands it.
"We know President Trump wants an expanded Abraham Accords. We
acknowledge that the Accords enhance Israel’s security, as well as that
of the Arab countries willing to join. But Hamas and Gaza must pay for
the cruel war they started, the horrors they inflicted, and the heinous
crimes they have committed...and are committing still.
"Another lie that was exposed at the Israeli hostage handoff was that of genocide. There is no Israeli genocide being committed by the IDF in Gaza. If there were, Suraya Square would surely not have been as packed as it was, with an ocean of screaming, menacing terrorists in full regalia.
"By Arab accounts, they should all be dead. The account of their genocide was pure myth, believed and flamed by a global, deceitful, anti-Jewish press.
"Even as Hamas was releasing the three hostages, it managed to make the exchange mostly about them. From the menacing minions to their drama-ridden attack on the van transporting the hostages to their sick “completion certificates” to their swag bags from hell, Hamas gave the middle finger to Israel and America.
"That the fighting will stop and the remaining hostages be returned is not the issue. The issue is that Gaza and the guilty Gazan population of hate must experience retribution.
"Every single Gazan should be forced out of Gaza. Other Arab countries can absorb them. They falsely label themselves as refugees in need of permanence. Their permanence should be fully out of the region. They have proved they don’t want peace. What they want is the complete destruction of Israel.
"For retribution and justice, every single Gazan should be evicted
from the area. The land should be deeded to Israel and remain under
Israeli control and governance."
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