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Saturday, January 18, 2025

This Is The Way Joe Biden Ends: Not With a Bang But a Whimper

Well, I was wondering when Biden's next piece of destructive anti-Trump sabotage would come this weekend, and sure enough, I wasn't disappointed when I saw this last night, which he (or a transgender intern) posted on X:

"Today I'm affirming what I have long believed and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex."

Delusional, isn't he? He was immediately shot down by a Community Note saying "The Archivist of the United States, charged with officially publishing ratified amendments, has confirmed that the ERA was not ratified and based that analysis on binding legal precedent. There is no 28th Amendment."

All this was in a great column by Noah Rothman at National Review titled Why Are They Humiliating Themselves? 

That didn't stop yes-men like Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to jump on the Biden bandwagon.

You can read more about this latest last-minute damage at Red State and PJ Media, among other sources.

Brace yourself. It's still only Saturday.

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