Letters from Clinton through Obama

At the end of his two terms, Clinton told the younger Bush that the incoming president was embarking on the “greatest adventure, with the greatest honor, that can come to an American citizen” and wished him “success and much happiness.”

“The burdens you now shoulder are great but often exaggerated. The sheer joy of doing what you believe is right is inexpressible,” Clinton wrote.

Eight years later, Bush congratulated Obama on opening a “fantastic chapter in your life” but warned of the trying moments ahead with critics who “rage” and “friends” who will disappoint.

“But, you will have an Almighty God to comfort you, a family who loves you, and a country that is pulling for you, including me,” George W. Bush wrote.

Obama, who had campaigned vigorously against Trump in 2016, congratulated him on a “remarkable run” and offered some reflections from his eight years on the job.

He told Trump they were both blessed with good fortune, that American leadership “really is indispensable” in the world, that they are the “guardians” of democratic institutions and traditions, and that family and friends will see him through the “inevitable rough patches.”

“Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure,” Obama wrote.

Trump’s letter to Biden

What did it say? Hardly anyone knows because the letter has not been shared with the public.

Biden showed the note to some members of his staff after his inauguration in 2021 but didn’t let anyone read it. Others described Trump’s note as long and handwritten, and Biden is said to have been surprised by how gracious he thought the letter was given the animosity between the political rivals.

Asked about the note later that day, Biden said it was a “very generous letter,” but he deemed it private and said he wouldn’t discuss it until he had a chance to speak with Trump.

Trump said he thought it was up to Biden to share the letter.

“It was a nice note,” he said during a September 2023 interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” adding, “I took a lot of time in thinking about it.” 

Will Biden reciprocate?

He’s expected to, as someone who respects political traditions and institutions. But White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre left open the possibility that he might not.

“That is going to be up to the president,” Jean-Pierre told reporters this week. “It’s a good question. I’m curious, too.”

Letter-writing isn’t required but is “based on precedent and whether or not people want to keep a tradition going,” Costello said.

He said he was hopeful that Biden would participate.

Earlier notes didn’t always say ‘congratulations’

Some earlier outgoing presidents wrote letters to their successors, though not on Inauguration Day and not always with congratulations in mind, Costello said.

Earlier notes often were penned with invitations to visit or dine at the White House or to relay information, which is what President John Adams did in a February 1801 letter to inform incoming President Thomas Jefferson about transportation.

“In order to save you the trouble and expence of purchasing horses & carriages, which will not be necessary, I have to inform you that I shall leave in the stables of the United States seven horses and two carriages with harness the property of the United States,” Adams wrote. “These may not be suitable for you, but they will certainly save you a considerable expence as they belong to the studd of the Presidents Household,” Adams wrote.

“I have the Honor to be with great respect, Sir your most obed. & hum servt.”