Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Obscene Verdict of the Day

Mom not guilty
Devin Gibson’s mother acquitted in murder, abuse trial
Eight-year-old Devin Gibson died from heat exposure in her car while she worked a double, weekend shift as a nurse’s assistant at a Jackson County nursing home. Prosecutors had said Devin for at least part of that time was kept in the trunk of the car.

To refer to this human garbage as a "mom" is an insult to real mothers who would never think of locking their kids in hot car trunks. Think of the terror this poor child must have gone through before he died. But, none of this is her fault -- it's the fault of society for not having affordable daycare! The jury that acquitted her is just as bad. I will never understand how people can make excuses for the inexcusable.

And soon we will be hearing more stories about people leaving their children to die in hot cars because they "forgot" about them. It won't be their fault, of course, and they too will be acquitted.

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