Israpundit has coined a new word: "We have long been seeking a word to describe treacherous Palestinians, vicious militant Islamic terrorists, and the like that carries the necessary indignation and outrage without exposing us to the Left’s usual bleats of racism. We have long underscored the fact that behavioral choices are not a race, but we have nonetheless lacked a single word that carries the necessary condemnation of those choices. We need a word that describes its object as less than human (again, because of subhuman behavioral choices as opposed to DNA), totally untrustworthy and lacking in honor, and unworthy of the respect a lady or gentleman of breeding shows a pet or a domestic animal. We are seeking a word for the kind of individual whom it was once socially (and, in many places, legally) acceptable to strike in the face with a riding whip, for which his only recourse was to demand satisfaction with deadly weapons or crawl into a hole and pull it in after him. It is a general adage that someone who must resort to vulgar name calling lacks the vocabulary necessary to find the correct word. We admit to using such language in the past, only because the English language really lacks a word for individuals–we will not call them people–who stone women to death, kill people for being the wrong religion, shoot pregnant women in their wombs to kill their unborn babies, use pregnant women as suicide bombers, plant bombs on unwitting children or girlfriends, and saw the heads off helpless captives. To date, only more or less vulgar epithets conveyed the necessary outrage and contempt. Now, at long last, the English language has acquired the necessary word:
Nifong.....The one useful thing Mike Nifong has probably done with his life is to give the English language a long-needed word for individuals who are (at best) totally without character, ethics, or integrity–the kind who will tell you a blatant lie with a straight face and expect you to believe it. They are not worthy of recognition as human beings, because their behavior resembles nothing a civilized person can even begin to acknowledge as human. Spanish Inquisitors and witch-hunters who enriched themselves by burning and hanging people on phony charges were Nifongs. Al Sharpton is a Nifong. Most Palestinians (noting their advocacy of violence, taqqiya, and suicide bombings) are Nifongs. Yasser Arafat was a Nifong, and so is that little Holocaust denier who runs Iran."