Cumulative Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Schmucks", Indeed!

I normally like Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder, but I think THEY are the schmucks this time. I don't agree with the sentiment in their latest column: "Without immigrants, we would have no atomic age, no computers, no lasers, no microchips (Einstein, Teller, Fermi, etc.). Also, without Dr. Salk, we would now be in the midst of a polio epidemic.Too often the people who want to crack down on immigrants are like members of a country club who, once admitted, don't want to let in anybody else. It should be suggested to them that without immigrants we would not even have an America." The illegal aliens we are trying to keep out are NOT Einstein and Teller; these are criminals and potential terrorists who do not care to become citizens the legal way! To make this comparison is insulting.

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